No More Privacy

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Nicole had finally gotten through to Katie. Nicole ran through the basics of Instagram with her, like how to post and how to like and comment on posts. Then she taught her how to dm people. Katie hated it. She hated the fact that she'd no longer be private, that she could no longer be private.
Her first mistake was accepting a dm request from an account called @KatieMshands. She didn't realise it was a fan account. And the fan account didn't realise it was really Katie.
Her second mistake was searching her own name. Hundreds of fan accounts and fan edits came up. She spent a good two hours scrolling through.
"Wow, they're talented. If only they'd stop with the strange captions and comments." She said to herself.
Her third mistake was reading/watching the AUs. Most of the Supercorp ones made Katie tear up. But some made her uncomfortable.

She re-read the message from the fan account about a million times. All it read was:
"Hi. I see you're new to instagram. I was wondering where you found those pictures of Katie McGrath. I've never seen them before. Were they on Google?"
Katie was baffled. She thought she made her account look legit. She had even followed Nicole, Azie, Andrea and others from the show. She was quick to follow Melissa and Chris and scroll through their posts.
"Melissa barely posts...why do I have to?" Katie asked herself. She decided to send Melissa a dm.
"Hey Mel. I was wondering if you liked the book I sent you. It's one of my current favourites, I hope you enjoy❤️"
But Melissa never responded.
"I guess she just has a lot of messages." Katie shrugged.
Then she got a text via her normal messages.
"Hey Katie, it's Mel. I got this message on Instagram. Did you tell anyone about the book you sent?"
"I sent that message. I probably should've told you all that Nic made me an account. Sorry." Katie replied.

They continued to text for a bit, until it started. She was followed by most of the cast, and fan accounts caught on pretty quickly that it was her. Mainly due to Nicole and Azie. Then the comments started.
"Oh my god. Please post a picture of your hands!"
"I love you, Katie."
"I'd leave my boyfriend for you."
"She's daddy @Notarealaccount."
"Follow me if you're looking for a good time😉"
"She could hit me with a truck and I'd say thank you."
These were only some of the comments she read. Some comments took it too far and it made her uncomfortable.

"Lena did what to Kara?!" Katie yelled out of shock. She read the au, despite some part of her telling her not too. She looked down at her watch, "An hour?! How have I been on here for an hour?!"
She quickly got up and ran to her car.

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