If We Met Back Then (Alternative Ending)

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~A while later~

The Queen sat on her throne, thinking about all the promises she had made the kingdom.
"Your Majesty!" Alex yelled. "She's awake!"
Lena rushed to her feet and ran to her quarters. When she opened the doors, she saw Kara sitting up.
"No, Kara, Lay back down. You must rest." Lena rushed over to Kara's bedside.
"I heard what happened. You cared for me...why?" Kara asked.
"You were right. I realised that everything you ever did, you were just trying to protect me. I also meant what I said about loving you."
"Really?" Kara smiled.
"Yes, really."
"Well, I'm glad I woke up in this life." Kara slowly moved towards Lena.
"So am I." Lena smiled.

Yeahhhh this probably should've been the original ending. Sorry guys!

Don't forget to send through requests if you have any. I will probably stop listening them like this. It gives you guys a false sense of what I'm posting next. Remember, I post whatever is done first.

Below are some of the current requests.

1. Lena meets Morgana and Other Katie McGrath characters (why????)
2. If We Were Vampires
3. Kara meets Katie McGrath's characters
4. A surprise which I wrote ages ago but someone wants me to post.
5. Katie McGrath gets instagram
6. Kara cures Baby Lena

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