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Lena was hard at work in her laboratory when Alex came running in, "Lena?"
Lena turned around, "What is it Alex?"
"I-I don't know how to explain it, just come with me." Alex gestured for Lena to follow her, which Lena did. She ended up in a room at the DEO, looking at women with her own face.

"Alex, what's happening?" Lena asked.
"They just appeared here."
"I need to get back, I have a kingdom to run!" Morgana spat angrily towards Alex.
Lucy looked more pale than usual. Her fangs grew with each beat of everyone else's heart. Lucy looked towards Morgana's neck.
"Don't even think about it. I will snap your neck." Morgana glared.
Saskia strutted towards Lena, "My name's Saskia."
"Lena." They shook hands while the vampire version of them stalked Sarah like she was prey.
"What's happening?" Lena asked Saskia.
"I'm not sure. One by one we all showed up in everyone else's universes. I've got to say, being in the 1950's was a trip I'll never forget." Saskia smirked.
Lucy wrapped her arm around Saskia's shoulder, "I know, I told you the night life was to die for." Lucy turned to Lena, "Lucy Westenra." Lucy offered her hand to Lena who, to Lucy's dismay, shook it rather than kissed it.
"I need to get back to my husband. Please tell me you know a way back." Sarah emerged from the back.
"Aww the straight one has spoken." Lucy frowned.
Sarah farrowed her eyebrows, "Are we not all straight?"
"Gay." Lucy said.
"Not explored." Zara shrugged.
"In love with my blonde, female best friend." Saskia piped in. The others went quiet after Saskia spoke, which allowed her to speak again, "And by the looks of it...Lena is too."
"What? No. I'm not. Kara and I are friends." Lena denied.
"It's perfectly normal to have feelings for a woman, especially one that's as hot as Kara is." Lucy said, eyeing Supergirl up and down.
"How do you know her n-"
"I'm a vampire. Enhanced hearing and what not."
"I may not know much about love, but you, Lena, you are in love." Morgana added.
"But she doesn't love me." Lena sighed. "I've made too many mistakes. I've hurt her too much. How could a super, ever love a Luthor?" Lena sat down in one of the chairs.
"Well, I'm not sure what a Super or a Luthor is, but it sounds like a forbidden love." Morgana sat beside her.
Saskia sat on the other side of Lena, "Look, I'm not one to talk when it comes to love-"
"Neither am I. I fell in love with my best friend, then slept with her fiancé." Lucy admitted.
"As I was saying. There's only ever going to be one way to find out if she loves you back." Saskia regained control of the situation.
"You must talk to her at once." Morgana sounded as if she was demanding it.
"And if that doesn't work, I have some seduction techniques that might work." Lucy winked.
"So do I." Saskia shrugged.
"And me." Oriane finally spoke up.
"Ladies, if the Super does not love her, then she should not try seducing her. You should let her be happy. Whether that's with you, or with someone else." Jules stood beside Zara who seemed to be too busy on her phone to notice the others.
"Thank you for trying to help, but I don't want to get hurt again." Lena lowered her head.
A subtle, "Mood." Was heard from the back corner.
The women snapped their heads towards another one who shared their faces.
"And who are you?" Zara asked.
"Katie. Katie McGrath. In my universe, I play you all as characters in different movies and television shows. That's why we all have the same face." Katie smiled softly.
"Then you must know what Lena should do." Jules smiled widely.
"In my universe, there's two sides to Lena's fans. One side wants to see her go evil, but the majority want to see her kiss Supergirl. I think you should tell her how you feel." Katie offered her advice.
"I can't. What if it makes her repulsed by me? I can't ruin the friendship. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Lena sighed.
"I'm sure you're the best thing that's happened to her. That's why you're her best friend."
"You've both had to suffer through a lot of pain. But you always come back to one another. That's the kind of love that comes rarely. Everyone else in your life has chosen something else over you, but Kara never has. She's always chosen you and there's a reason for that." Katie smiled small.
"You think so?" Lena asked.
"You are a good hearted person. You've always wanted to do the right thing and when you work with Kara, you feel like you accomplish that. Kara deserves to know how much you love her. Before it's too late." Katie pushed, "Now go tell her."
Lena finally nodded, "If you all think it's a good idea."
"Look I couldn't care less, but it's going to make you happy." Morgana admitted, "I just want to go home. I have a kingdom to run."
"And my thirst for blood is growing stronger." Lucy added.
"I have to look after two kids, in a dinosaur park." Zara rolled her eyes.
"And I have a slasher to help take down." Sarah stepped forward.
"Then let's get you all out of here." Lena nodded towards them.

As Lena tried to build some kind of portal into the other's worlds, Katie sat in the corner, reading her script. She noticed changes that hadn't been in there. She looked up at Lena, then back at her script.
"You're not going to talk to Kara, are you?" Katie asked, forcing Lena to turn around.
"Of course I wi-"
"Kara enters the room, after the others are gone. 'Hey Kara, I have something I want to tell you. I think I'm in lo-' Kara cuts Lena off. 'Sorry Lena, but we need to close that portal. We don't need anymore yous, or mes, coming into this world again.' Lena hesitates, before speaking again. 'Yes of course.' Kara leaves as Lena shuts the portals down." Katie read the script aloud.
The gang of characters crossed their arms.
"You don't tell her?!" Jules said shocked.
"Obviously not, but I try to." Lena shrugged.
"You gotta tell her to stay and hear you out. If you let her walk away, you may not get another chance. This is the last season...for you." Katie said, handing Lena the script.
"I die?!" Lena yelled in horror, looking at the script.
"If you say you love Kara, then the fans in my world won't let that happen. And somehow, our worlds seem to be entangled. I can save you, but you have to admit your feelings." Katie said a bit more forcefully. "I'm not ready to let go of your character. Not yet."

Don't forget to send through requests if you have any. Below are some of the current requests.

1. If We Were Vampires
2. Kara meets Katie McGrath's characters (I might make this a follow on from this chapter)
3. A surprise which I wrote ages ago but someone wants me to post.
4. Katie McGrath gets instagram
5. Kara cures Baby Lena

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