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Lena, Kara, Alex and Nia watched as Kelly baked. Lena took a sip of her red wine.
"Should you really be drinking at this time?" Kelly asked.
"Kelly, I have trauma. I never stop drinking." Lena said bluntly.
"I have trauma too. Can I have a dr-"
"No." Everyone jinxed, cutting Nia off mid-question.
"You're a child." Kara said, "But I can."
"If you touch my wine, you will have another Luthor to fight." Lena threatened.
"Okay, maybe not."
"This is why I bring my own. Lena, hand me a glass." Alex smiled, pulling two bottles of wine from her bag.
"No outside alcohol allowed on the premises as this is a licensed venue. I will need to confiscate the bottles." Lena said, taking the bottles off of Alex.
"Kellyyy!" Alex complained.
"I'll put pot in the brownies." Kelly threatened.
"Go ahead, Alex and Kara are getting drug tested. Since I own my company, I can be on crack and still won't get into any trouble." Lena challenged.
"Damn she's good. Sorry babe, I'm out of ideas." Kelly turned back to the oven.
"Lena." Nia said sadly, "Why don't you love us?"
"Wh-Nia what are you saying?" Lena's demeanour quickly changed, "Of course I love you."
"But if you loved us, why won't you share with us?" Nia continued her plan to guilt trip Lena.
Lena sighed, "I just...I don't want you to turn into me. Look at me Nia, I don't let you drink 'cause I don't want you to be this." Lena obviously knew Nia's tactic, so she wanted to flip it around.
"I-I um..."
"I'll let you do whatever you want to me tonight if you give Alex her wine back." Kara interrupted.
"Anything?" Lena raised her eyebrow.
"Anything." Kara nodded.
"Alright, here you go Alex. And here's a glass." Lena handed over the bottles and the glass.
Alex looked between them, "You're going to regret that."
"I know. But oh well." Kara shrugged.
"Okay, who wants to lick the whisk?" Kelly asked.
"Me! I do!" Kara jumped out of her chair and Kelly handed it to her.
"Alex, you can have to bowl." Kelly handed it to her.
"Thank you." Alex smiled happily.
"Nia, the spoon."
"Thanks Kelly." Nia started licking the spoon.
"Lena do you-"
"No, I'm good. I'm fine with my wine." Lena smiled, sipping her wine.
Kelly was cut off my Kara handing the whisk back to her, "Done!"
"'d you get it so clean?" Kelly asked, clearly shocked as to how clean it was.
Kara went quiet but Lena spoke up, "She practices on me."
"Lena!" Kara shoved her gently.
"Ew gross!" Nia covered her ears.
"I'm going to kill you."
"I will buy every winery in the world just so you can have any." Lena threatened Alex.
"Okay okay, keep licking Lena's whisk Kara."

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