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"Oh my god, Nia!" Lena rushed towards her, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine." Nia looked up at Kara, "Thanks for catching me."
"What happened?" Kara asked.
"I was siting on the rooftop and my stupid self started rocking as if I was sitting in a chair. And here I am." Nia stood from Kara's grip, "I'm fine though. Kinda wanna do it again."
"Me next!" Lorelei exclaimed.
"No!" Lena replied.
"But it's kinda fun." Alex shrugged.
"I mean yes it is, but I'm not letting my daugh-"
"Too late." Kara cut Lena off by flying into the sky and catching Lorelei.
"It's so much fun when you don't have to stop yourself!" Lorelei smiled widely, "Let's do it again!"
"I blame you for this." Lena glared at Kara.
"This is how you taught her to fly."

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