Marvel X DC pt 7

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"Stay where you are! Hands above your heads!" Natasha yelled at the Legends.
The raised their hands above their heads, Sara subtly taking a protective stance as Natasha moved closer to Ava.
"Are you kidding me? We've been here for three days and we're getting arrested on the day we're trying to get home." Mick said through gritted teeth.
"Oh grow up Princess, this is their world." Lorelei rolled her eyes.
"Did you just call me Princess?!" Mick glared.
"Can you two please stop fighting?" Ava looked at back them, dropping her hands. She pointed between the two of them, "Don't make me call Kara."
"Sorry Ava." They jinxed.
"Come on, move!" Natasha forced them towards a black SUV. As they walked, Lorelei tripped Mick.
"Ava! She tripped me!" Mick gestured towards Lorelei.
"You don't have proof." Lorelei scoffed.
"Scary redhead with the gun, you saw her trip me right?"
"Nope. Now get up and keep moving." Natasha ordered.

"Natasha, let them go." Wanda ordered as she hovered above the ground.
The Hydra agents all pointing their guns towards Wanda, waited for Natasha's command.
"No, I don't think I will." Natasha have them a nod and they all started to shoot as Wanda. She landed on the ground and used her magic to make all the mags of the guns fall out.
"I don't want to fight you Natasha." Wanda took a step towards her.
"It wouldn't be the first time." Natasha ran at Wanda, throwing punches at her. Wanda blocked each one and used her magic to send Nat flying backwards towards some of the agents.
"I could really use your help Captain." Wanda said through the earpiece.
"I'm on it." Carol flew as fast as she could to the fight and blasted some of the agents. She stayed in the air.
"Hey, Captain woman, can you let us out of these cuffs? We can help you!" Ava called out to her.
"You guys need help?" Lorelei broke the cuffs and ripped them off.
"Now me!" Mick tried to get Lorelei's attention.
"Nah, you can fight like that." Lorelei replied.
"I hate you sometimes." Mick snarled.

Lorelei sped to Wanda, "You're the good guys right?"
"You don't know who we-" Carol was cut off by Natasha shooting at her and was shocked to find Lorelei hovering in front of her. The only damage to her was a hole in her shirt, revealing the S on her super suit.
"What are you?" Carol asked.
"I'll explain later. Let's just kick their butts." Lorelei said.
"Don't hurt the redhead, she's one of us. Technically. She's also my girlfriend." Carol told her.
"Okay, no hurting the redhead, got it." Lorelei nodded and landed beside Wanda, who used her magic to set the Legends free.
"Kill them!" Natasha ordered, resulting in all the Hydra agents running towards them.
Lorelei sped off to the side and returned in her Supergirl suit.
Together, the group took out each of the agents, but Natasha fired another shoot towards Wanda. Lorelei grabbed it between her fingers right before it pierced Wanda's skin. Wanda went cross eyed looking at the bullet.
"Thank you." Wanda said gratefully as Lorelei dropped the bullet.
"You're welcome." Lorelei nodded, speeding off to grab Natasha. She threw her over her shoulder and went with Carol and Wanda to the Avengers headquarters. They kept Natasha in handcuffs as the Legends explained everything.
"So you're indestructible?" Carol eyes Lorelei up and down.
"Yeah? Pretty much."
"Nice. I'm the most powerful Avenger." Carol nodded.
"Yeah right." Wanda wheezed, "Haven't you seen me?"
"You guys seem pretty even to me." Lorelei looked at them.
"Wait, can you see our underwear?" Carol asked, "Because you said you have X-ray vision."
"Yeah, but it's not like I want to." Lorelei admitted.
"Cool." Carol smiled, "Can I blast you and see if that does anything?"
"Sure." Lorelei shrugged.
"No!" Ava and Sara jinxed.
"Look, we just want to find a way to get home." Ava told them, "Do you know anyone who could open a portal?"
"You mean Doctor Strange? We could try to get in contact with him." Carol looked to Wanda, "Weren't you last to see him?"
"Yeah, I'll see if Nick Fury knows where he's hiding out." Wanda got up and called Nick, while Carol showed the Legends around.

"And this is our training facility." Carol pointed to a man, "That's Sam Wilson. He's Captain America."
"Nice to meet you." Sam shook their hands.
"Is that a shield?" Lorelei asked.
"Yeah, it's symbolic. Captain America and his shield is the American icon." Sam chuckled a little bit, "Kind of like Hawkeye and his bow."
"Hawkeye?" Sara looked confused.
"You haven't introduced them to the others?" Sam crossed his arms.
"Just introducing them to whoever I come across." Carol shrugged, "Where are they?"
"Most are on a mission."
"When they get back, I'll introduce everyone." Carol shook Sam's hand and walked out of the room.

~Two weeks later 'cause this is getting long now~

"Nat will be fine. I'll help her remember." Wanda smiled at Lorelei.
"With your mind control magic? Right?" Lorelei pointed at her head.
"Yeah." Wanda chuckled, "With my mind magic."
"Lorelei, we have to go!" Sara called out to her, jumping through the portal.
"So this is goodbye." Wanda's smile faded.
"Yeah." Lorelei took a deep breath in, "Thanks for letting us stay."
"Anytime." Wanda's body refused to move.
Lorelei shoved her hands in her pockets, "It was fun."
"Yeah, it was."
The two grew awkward as Lorelei chuckled softly, "I should probably go before they get mad." Lorelei gestured to the portal.
"You could stay." Wanda suggested.
"But it's not my world." Lorelei turned down the suggestion, "Besides, this world has a powerful witch to protect it. They don't need me."
Wanda used her magic to make a photo frame float towards Lorelei, "Remember us?"
"How could I forget you?" Lorelei held the frame gently in both of her hands, "Go help Natasha." Lorelei smiled small, "And I'll see you in a bit."
"You better." Wanda's smile returned as she watched Lorelei back into the portal.

"God, talk about awkward goodbyes." Ava nudged Lorelei.
"Does little Danvers have a crush?" Mick teased.
"I will break every bone in your body." Lorelei threatened.
"Lorelei has a crush on the witch." Mick teased.
"I do not. She's just a good friend." Lorelei went bright red.
"You know, I hear that magic hands make it a lot of fun." Charlie joined in on the teasing.
"Who's got magic hands?" John asked.
"Wanda, Lori's crush." Zari informed him.
"Aye love, go for that one. She's fiery and magic hands are a bonus." John continued it.
"A Kryptonian and a witch? Sounds like a great night for both of you." Nate laughed.
"I hate you all. Where are my other mothers?" Lorelei looked around.
"Probably using their magic hands."
"I absolutely hate every single one of you. I don't have a crush on Wanda!" Lorelei got frustrated.

~A year or so later when the first Marvel X DC chapter was set~

"Guess who just got news that Lori's witch crush is in our universe." Sara gathered everyone.
"I don't have a crush on Wanda!" Lorelei yelled.
"You did!" Everyone jinxed.
"Dude, I wasn't even around then and even I know that you had a crush on Wanda." Cassie chucked.

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