Marvel X DC Part 2

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"What's up fam from the past?" Lorelei hugged Kelly.
"Lorelei, oh thank god." Lena sighed in relief.
"Worewei? Hewwo!" The small Kara smiled happily at her.
"Oh no, no, no. I am not dealing with this." Lorelei started backing into the portal but Lena grabbed her by the shoulders.
"You're helping us. There are people here that we just met. And I'm not-"
"Lorelei?" Wanda questioned.
"Oh my god! Hey!" Wanda ran over and hugged her.
"It's been so long!" Lorelei hugged her back.
"Okay, someone explain." J'onn looked between them.
"Lorelei came to our earth a while back because of something called an encore. She stayed with me while she and the legends took them out." Wanda explained, "It's so good to see you again."
"Now I see why Sara sent me." Lorelei looked towards Kelly, "You gave Wanda your card right?"
"Yes I did."
"Okay, let's go to the briefing room and give Lorelei the run down." J'onn stepped in and guided everyone to the briefing room.

"Do you think it's magic?" Lorelei crossed
her arms.
"Don't look at me! I'm dealing with my trauma in a healthy way now." Wanda got defensive as all eyes were on her.
"Look, there's a reason Strange sent you guys here. Which means, it's probably something or someone from your world."
"Lorelei has a point." Natasha shrugged, "Look, we have no idea why Strange sent us. But it's probably something really bad."
"Or something we haven't encountered before."

"Sup." Darcy greeted Brainy.
"Shouldn't you be at the briefing?" Brainy asked.
"Oh, they said no kids. Kara isn't even allowed in. Which is really funny since her future daughter is in there." Darcy giggled, "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be at the briefing?"
"I can't leave Nia alone while she sleeps." Brainy admitted, "She's been having bad nightmares lately."
"Aren't you the super smart one?" Darcy asked.
"I'm a twelfth level intellect."
"Cool, I'm smart too."
"You don't seem like it." He raised an eyebrow.
"I reached level four hundred and twenty on the brain quiz game the first day I got it." She scoffed.
"That just sounds like an unhealthy addiction to that game."
"It is, but it's fun." Darcy pulled out her phone, "I'll show you."

A few minutes later, the group of superheroes could hear Brainy yelling.
"That's Darcy's doing." Wanda sighed.
"What's it like?" Lorelei asked as the two walked out of the briefing room.
"What's what like?" Wanda looked towards her.
"Being responsible for children."
"Oh, I mean, Darcy pretty much takes care of herself now that she's like ten. But Carol is a handful and Nat looks after her. So I guess I'm not responsible for the kids anymore." She sighed.
"But you want to be." Lorelei pointed out.
"I miss being a mother. I really do. At least then I was needed."
"Wanda, look around. Between you and Nat, you're the responsible adult. The adultier adult. Without you, Nat would've probably killed Carol by now." Lorelei have Wanda an empathetic look, "They need you Wanda. I need you."
Wanda smiled small, "You mean it?"
"I do." Lorelei smiled, "Besides, there's no point lying to you, you'll just read my mind."
Wanda pulled Lorelei into a hug. It didn't last long due to the small Kryptonian running towards her.
"Wore! We need wou in de twaining woom." Kara tugged on the pants of Lorelei's suit.
"I need to-"
"I know. Go." Wanda nodded, watching the young adult run off with Kara.
Lorelei came to an abrupt stop when she saw Carol badly injured.
"Kara, what happened?" Lorelei's eyes went wide as she was joined by Nat.
"Carol!" Nat yelled, rushing towards the blonde.
Wanda heard Nat and rushed to the training room. They were soon joined by everyone.
"Wanda, it's time to try." Darcy told her.
"Try what?" Lorelei asked.
"In the hex, Tommy and Billy aged themselves up a few years. Someone did the same thing with Darcy." Wanda shook her head, "But what if I make her too old? What if I mess up?"
Lorelei grabbed Wanda by her shoulder gently, "At least you tried. You can't run, you can't hide. If you mess up, then we'll find a way to fix it. But right now, we need adult Kara and adult Carol. And you are the only one who can do it." Lorelei reassured her, "I'm here if anything goes wrong, okay? I'm here. You won't mess this up. You're the best at this and Strange sent you here for a reason. I believe in you Wanda."
"She's so much like Kara." Kelly said to J'onn.
"She is her daughter."
"Okay, everyone stand back." Wanda looked around.
Everyone took a few steps back, aside from Lorelei. She stayed by Wanda's side as her magic surrounded her hands. The red glow flowed towards the toddlers.

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