Fuck Me

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"Fuck me if I'm wrong but-"
Kat cut Lena off, "You're wrong."
"But I-"
Kara got frustrated, "You're wrong. Now let me fuck you."
Alex looked over to Kelly, "This is funny considering Lena is never wrong. She's Lena. It's written in her DNA to be right all the time."
"But Kara, I'm still sore from yesterday." Lena complained.
"Tough, you're wrong."
Kelly dialled a number on her phone, "Hi, I would like to book an appointment. Yeah, they're at it again."
"Is our therapist getting therapy?" Nia farrowed her eyebrows.
"Yes, you guys are too much some times. Also, the appointments give me an hour where none of you are allowed to call me or text me about some stupid stuff you've done." Kelly relaxed in her spot.

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