I See Red pt 1

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"In today's news, Superwoman has been placed under arrest. The superhero has been accused of attempting to murder seven innocent people, assault and more. Two questions are running through the minds of everyone. Who is Superwoman really? And is this the end of the Supers?"

Lena turned off the television as she turned to Lorelei, "No matter what anyone says, your mother is innocent."
"I know. I felt the effects of the red Kryptonite too. She can't be blamed for this, it's not her fault." Lorelei stood up and walked to the front door.
"Lorelei, where are you going?"
"To the courthouse. I may not be allowed on the witness stand, but they will listen to me." Lorelei topped off her shirt.
"Lori, no." Lena said sternly, "Whatever you are planning to do, don't do it."
"I'm just going to talk to them." Lorelei opened the door, "That's all." Lorelei sped out the door.
"I'm so so sorry Kara." Lena sighed. She walked towards her whiskey, but decided against it. If Lorelei was going to try anything, Lena had to be the one to stop it.

~Twenty minutes later at the courthouse~

"I'm sure the city would like to know who exactly this cold-blooded criminal really is." The prosecution looked at the judge, "Wouldn't that make the city a safer place?"
"No, it wouldn't." Lorelei walked through the doors.
"Supergirl? You're not allowed to be here." The judge declared.
"I know, but I have untampered evidence that may clarify the situation." Lorelei walked towards Kara. "Firstly, I'm sorry for this Superwoman." Lorelei used Kryptonite cuffs to keep Kara's hands behind her back and put a helmet on her.
"Objection to whatever Supergirl is doing to her!" The prosecution yelled.
"I want to see this out." The judge made the lawyer sit down.
Lorelei pulled Kara towards the middle of the room.
"You won't hurt them, I won't let you." Lorelei whispered gently so only her mother could hear, "Trust me."
Kara nodded as a response and Lorelei pulled a necklace out of her pocket. The pendant was a small red crystal-looking gem. Lorelei looked around the room and caught sight of Lena rushing through the doors.
"Supergirl, don't. This is not how you prove someone's innocence."
Lorelei ignored her mother and held Kara's arm.
"This necklace was given to Superwoman as a present. We don't know who from, but we have a few ideas. It contains red Kryptonite which alters a person. For example; good becomes bad and bad becomes good." She looked around the courtroom, "It doesn't effect me because, as you know, I'm part human." She placed it around Kara's neck and held her as her demeanour changed instantly. Her veins glowed red and she shoved Lorelei off her, or as best she could. Lorelei knocked her to the ground and kept her knee on Kara's back. "The thing about red Kryptonite is, when it infects a Kryptonian, they don't know what they're doing, and they sometimes don't remember doing it."
"Get off me!" Kara hissed.
"Whoever gave her the necklace knew the affects of it and hoped that she'd do just as they planned. Someone wants the Supers gone." Lorelei told the court, "If you send her away, send us all away, everything we've done will unfold and there will be a fallout."
Lena rushed over and pulled the necklace off Kara's neck.
"Get her to the you know where." Lena told Lorelei, "You can continue your little speech when you get back in a second."
"Yes Mrs Danvers-Luthor." Lorelei did exactly as Lena said and returned on her own.
"We demand to know the identity of the Supers." The prosecution lawyer pushed.
"Do you know how many people you are putting in danger when you reveal your identity? Everyone you've ever loved becomes a target. Coworkers, friends, family, everyone." Lorelei replied to his demand, "You want to know what I think about your demand?" She stepped closer to his desk, "I think you want our identity so you can use it against us. Little do you know that none of us have any kind of criminal history. We are good, law-abiding citizens."
His thin lips twisted into a wicked grin, "Is that so Lorelei?" He whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
"I don't even know who that is." She replied, calling his bluff.
"Shall we roll a tape?"
"Shall you suck a dick?" She replied, being pulled away by Lena. "It is up to the jury, but if I were you, I would let our identities live a normal-ish life."

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