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"Do y'all ever see someone so far out of your league it's just straight up depressing?" Lena asked everyone, looking down at her phone.
"Yeah, I have to see you everyday." Kara replied.
"I mean, I've seen women." Brainy answered.
"What is this out of my league? I am a goddess. Men bow to me." Nia stood up, "I mean, look at me, I could assemble an army of men and lesbians to do my bidding. And they would."
"You're at a ten, and I need you at a five. I am too tired for this." Kelly yawned.
"Okay, sorry Kelly."
"But...Lena literally made Supergirl a whore for her." Alex pointed out.
"That's true!" Nia added, "Supergirl used to be a strong, independent, woman, then Lena came along and she's now a useless gay whore."
"Nia, don't use that word." Lena shook her head.
"No. Whore." Lena replied.
"Kara, Lena called me a whore!" Nia complained.
"Yeah well, you called me one too." Kara crossed her arms and pouted.
"Are we just going to ignore that Kara said Lena is out of her league and Brainy said all women are out of his?" Kelly interrupted.
"Yep." Lena nodded, "Otherwise, I will have to communicate some kind of thanks, and I don't want to do that because she left me cuffed to the bed for an hour while she tried to save the world...again."
"Why didn't you just call Lore-"
Lena interrupted Alex, "Why would I call my daughter if I'm cuffed to my bed? While I'm naked."
"Alex, I can't keep doing these group therapy sessions. Lena always ends up talking about getting cuffed by my sister-in-law." Kelly said, casting her notebook aside.

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