Another Bunch of Random Moments

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Wanda: "Oh fuck me!"
Lori: "Maybe later."
Kara: "Language!"
Alex: "Can't, I'm taken."
Nat: "Been there, done that."
Carol: 😱


(Before Kara and Lena were together)

Kara, taking in a deep breath: "I can do this, I'm attractive, smart, funny... which means she has no reason to turn me down. So I won't stutter or stop functioning."
Alex: "Yep, go ahead. Lena's right over there."
Kara, approaches Lena and smiles: "Hey Lena."
Lena, turning around to smile brightly at Kara: "Oh hey Kara, how can I help you?"
Nia: *Laughing in the distance*
Kara, turns to Alex: *Voice crack* help me
Alex: "No can do sis."
Kara, taking a deep breath then turning back to Lena: "Brunch, with me, now!"
Alex: "If that works-"
Lena, gay eyebrow raise: "Okay?"
Nia: "Yayyy! My moms are finally getting together!"
Lena: "Wait, what?"
Alex, leaning in to whisper in Lena's ear: "Outsmarted by an idiot. How does it feel?"
Lena: "I'll tell you tomorrow morning."
Alex, dying inside: "For fuck sake!"


Wanda: "I need to get this off my chest."
Lori: "Babe, I told you that you wouldn't like my suit."
Wanda, scratching her chest: "It's just so itchy!"


Lori: "Mom, Ma, why did you guys go into your professions?"
Kara: "I became Supergirl to save people from villains and give people hope."
Lena: "And I became a billionaire to fund my drinking problem."
Lori: "Mom wins. I'm going to become a billionaire."
Kara, Kelly and the others: "Lori nO!"
Lena: "That's my girl!"


Lena: "For the first time in my life, I have zero problems."
Kara: *Walks in carrying Lori with her nappy on completely wrong and Lori is covered in her own baby vomit* "Lenaaa?"
Lena: "Never mind."


Kelly: *Baking pie*
Lori, to the tune of Sweet Caroline: "I want some pie"
Kara, Alex, Nia and Mon-El: "Bum bum bum"
Lena: "Funny, my parody is similar only it goes I want to die."
Kelly: "Unfortunately, you're just going to have to settle for the pie. Eat."
Lena, mumbling: "Why do I even let you live here if you're just going to stop me from being depressed?"
Kelly: "Because I bake pie and take care of everyone when you crawl into a ball and cry."
Lena: "Its called therapy Kelly, get it right."
Kelly: "Its called a depressive episode and you're supposed to come to me."


Lori: "I'm all panic, no disco."
Mon-El, covered in bleach: "I'm all chemical, no romance."
Alex: "All mayday, no parade."
Natasha: "I'm all falling, no reverse."
Yelena: "No. Natasha's all fall out, no boy."
Wanda: "I'm at an all time low."
Lena: "All simple, no plan."
Nia: "All water, no parks."
Kelly: "That's not what I meant by describe your life using a song."


Lena: "Remember kids, it's okay to be gay-"
Kara: "Unless you're gay for Lena. No one is allowed to be gay for my wife."
Alex, leaning over to Kelly: "Kill me now."
Nia, leaning over to Alex: "Be gay for Lena and Kara just might."


Kara: "Remind me again why I can't eat the pizza I made."
Lena, looking at the burnt-out oven, still holding a fire extinguisher: "Are you not seeing what I'm seeing?"

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