Yummy pt 2

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"Kara, I sent you to get diapers...why do you have three bags?" Lena questioned, crossing her arms. Lori looked between them and managed to climb out of the high chair. She got on to the table and mimicked Lena. She crossed her arms and raised her little blonde eyebrow.
"I uhhh I-"
"Kara Danvers-Luthor, what did you buy?" Lena finally raised her eyebrow, just as Lori had anticipated.
"I bought Lori more toys-"
Upon hearing the word toys Lori uncrossed her arms and sat on the lab bench. She picked up a plastic flask and plastic thermometer and started waving them around - as if she was telling Kara that she wanted to play.
"Kara," Lena sighed, "Take Lori to the lounge. When Alex gets home, tell her to come into the lab."
"Okay!" Kara picked up Lori, who started making happy baby noises again, "Let's go to the lounge." Kara said to Lori in a sweet baby voice.

Hours passed and Lena kept herself buried under piles of work. She heard the door open and watched as Lorelei crawled into the lab. She managed to stand, holding herself up using a chair.
"Mama!" Lori yelled happily, which pulled Lena's attention to her daughter.
"Lori, what did you just say?" Lena asked in disbelief.
"Mama! Mama! Ma ma mama!" Lori repeated.
Lena dropped her beaker and test tubes and began to rush to her toddler, only to watch as Lori took her first step.
"Kara! Kara, come quick! Lori's walking!" Lena yelled, resulting in Kara being there in less than a second.
"Mama." Lori said as she stepped towards Lena again.
The other members of the household joined Kara in the doorway to watch Lori. As for Alex, she held her own child's hand as she watched Lorelei take her first steps, just as she had watched her own child take theirs.
Lori stopped when she was halfway to Lena, she turned when she saw Nia. She wobbled a little but started walking shakily towards her.
"Ni-a, Ni-a!" Lori struggled time pronounce.
"She said my name!" Nia gushed, "I'm her favourite!" Nia picked you Lori and disappeared out of the door.
"Where is Nia taking my daughter?" Lena asked the room.
Nia appeared a minute later with Lori wrapped in her soft blanket.
"What just-"
"Oh, I wanted to make an appointment for Kara to see Kelly. Considering she'll probably bury her emotions and rant to Kelly about her jealousy later." Nia poked her tongue out at Kara, Lori reached up and grabbed it. She giggled as Nia moved her hand away.
"Yeahhh I'm not jealous of that." Kara chuckled.

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