The Characters As...

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As a writer I can see the names of the reading lists y'all add my books to. Sooo this chapter will be Characters As The Titles Of The Reading Lists Y'all Added This To. Enjoy. (Names of the reading lists will be bolded.)


"Y'all! This fanfic is amazing!" Nia gushed, "It's even got some of the sexiest women I've read about!"
"That's awesome Nia. Are you actually reading these small chaps though?" Lori looked at the list of chapters.
"I am! And you should too." Nia smiled, "It's about Supercorp's undying love."
"I have a feeling that this is going to take a while." Lori sighed as she sat down to read it.
"And don't worry Lori! There's no smut (😢😭)." Nia reassured her.
"Fuck yes!"


"I'm on drugs." Lena said to Kelly.
"Lena, those drugs are antidepressants and they're good for your health." Kelly replied.
"I don't like them. I can't be on my sad bitch shit while these are taking affect." Lena crossed her arms.
"For the last time, that's not healthy."


"What's all this Lena?" Jess asked as she walked through the lab.
"Oh it's only stuff I started thinking I'd finish it in no time." Lena said, "But I never did."
"Oh okay. By the way, my lists of books to read is quickly running out. Hope likes me reading to her and she won't let me sto-"
Jess was cut off by Hope running in, "Jess! Have you read this?! It's amazing! Read it to me."
"Sigh it's so cute." Jess smiled softly and walked out with Hope.
"Ummm I still need my assistant!" Lena yelled to them.


"Lista de lectura de McLuthorDanvers." Alex showed off her Spanish.
"What the fuckkkk?" Everyone looked towards Alex. Then they looked to Maggie.
"Sorry guys, I don't speak Spanish because Miss Writer Lady doesn't know any other language aside from English, Japanese, Latin and bits and pieces of cuss words from other languages." Maggie admitted, "Also, rude. But I assume it's just their reading list."
That's when Miss Writer Lady googled it. And it was indeed just that user's reading list. But you're welcome for the shout-out.


"What is this?" Nia asked Kara.
"Oh this is just some random stuff I found." Kara smiled happily.
"KARA ZOR-EL DANVERS-LUTHOR, WHY IS THERE A PENGUIN IN MY LAB?!" Lena could be heard screaming from the lab.
"You know, I'm impressed by how loud Lena can yell. That lab is soundproof." Nia pointed out.
"She's been kidnapped enough to have developed a louder scream." Brainy pointed out.
"People really need to stop hurting Lena." Alex sighed.


"I can't believe you just said +2 Supercorp, as if we're playing DnD and Supercorp is the equivalent to charisma." Mon-El crossed his arms.
"They are thoughhh!" Nia pointed out.


"I call Lena daddy." Kara said, "But I'm the top. Which makes me question my entire sex life."
"Why did you feel the need to tell me this?" Lori questioned as she buried her face in a cushion, "Please yeet me into space."
"Okay!" Carol grabbed hold of Lori.
"Don't you dare!" Wanda grabbed Carol.
"But she requested it!" Carol argued.
"Carol Danvers! If you so much as throw Lorelei, I will ban sex!" Nat threatened.
"Okay! Fine!" Carol let go of Lori.
"Wow, what a simp." Yelena crossed her arms and shook her head.


"I need more marvel x dc content in my life." Lori complained.
"You are literally fucking a Marvel character," Yelena pointed out, "How much more of a cross do you need?"

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