The Kid From The Future

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All credits to original artist of the above image. I couldn't find who did it, but whoever did is super (hehe) talented!!!

Features LOT characters

"Lorelei! What did I tell you about using the Waverider to go back in time to see your mums?" Sara lectured the raven-haired teen. "Do you not understand that all it takes it one wrong move and the timeline is destroyed?"
"Sara, babe, please. She's just a kid." Ava tried to reason with the angry blonde.
"You can't tell me to tone it down, considering you tried to enlist her in military school after she broke one of your rules." Sara argued. "You know what," Sara turned to Lorelei, "Go ahead. Break the timeline, but you're going to be the one to fix it."
"Yes Captain Lance."

And with that, the teen made her way to 2020's L-Corp building. Questions ran through her mind about who her mums were back in the day. They always talked about having this epic love story and Lorelei was so excited to see it for herself.
"Hi um, I have an appointment to see Miss Luthor." Lorelei told Jess.
"And who are you?" Jess said, before looking up to see the teen. Jess' jaw hung open with only a few words escaping, "You look like you could be a Luthor...but you also look a lot like Alex Danvers."
"Oh, well...I'm Lorelei Lance. Am I good to go into see Miss Luthor now?"
Jess rushed to her feet, "I think she has company, but I'm sure you'd be alright to go in."
"Thank you." Lorelei issued Jess a puppy smile before walking to Lena's office.

Through the door, Lorelei heard Lena's voice. She opened the door gently, as if afraid to make noise.
"Treat me like a villain? I'm trying to do good! I'm trying to-"
"They haven't made up yet?" Lorelei said a bit loud.
"And who are you?" Lena raised her eyebrow.
Lorelei composed herself before strutting further into the room.
"Lorelei Lance, and you're Miss Luthor."
"And where are you from?" The Luthor asked.
"The fu-the Waverider. I live there." It wasn't a complete lie. She had been living there for the past few months.
"You're from the future, aren't you?" Lena asked.
"What? Pfft no. No way. I wish."
"You have Kara's crinkle. Who are you really and what are you doing in my office?"
Lorelei sighed, "My name is Lorelei Danvers-Luthor...I'm your daughter, Miss Luthor."
Lena sat back in her chair with wide eyes, "Danvers?"
"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone. And you can't change anything." Lorelei warned.
"I promise." Lena nodded.
Lorelei sighed, "You and Kara make up. You go to her and tell her the real reason why her betrayal hurt you so bad. She lets you talk, despite her not wanting to come to terms with what she really did to you." Lorelei stood up, pacing and playing with her hands. Lena kept her gaze on her supposed daughter while Lorelei continued to speak. "Then it's Kara's turn to speak. She comes clean, completely. She tells you how Mxy showed her alternate timelines. Without you, she was dead, but without her, you were either dead or the villain. Then you two try to be friends, despite Lex trying to manipulate you. Eventually Kara admits her feelings for you, you admit yours, you start dating. She proposes to you, you get married. Then you take some of her DNA and grow me in a lab."
"Oh. Kara love with me?" Lena relaxed in her chair and smiled softly to herself.
"She always has been. But that doesn't mean you can just pretend not to be hurt. You have to take your time to get to a place that you feel comfortable letting her back in. Sort out your thoughts, once you've done her here and tell her your side...without yelling in her face." Lorelei explained.
"Thank you." Lena smiled gently for the first time in a while. "I can see how you're Kara's daughter."
"I am as much you as I am her. You are my love for all things nerdy and my determination to do good. She is my hope and my love for this world. You become so much more than the Luthor name, more than the Danvers name. You become you." Lorelei smiled back at her mother who now had tears in her eyes.

Before anymore words can be spoken, in barged two blondes.
"Lorelei, the encore is here. We need your help." Ava said panicking.
"Who is it this time?" Lorelei asked.
"You're not going to believe this." Ava's expression shifted to a more protective look.
"Who?" Lorelei pressed.
"Remember how someone kills Lex in the future?" Sara asked.
"Yea- oh for gods sake." Lorelei rolled her eyes, "I'm going to kill that cockroach!"
She clenched her fists and ran over to the two blondes.
"Miss Luthor, go find Kara. With two Lexs in this timeline, god only knows what they'll do to her." Sara ordered.
Lena stood and nodded, "Wait...who are you?"
"Sara Lance, this is Ava Sharpe. Now that that's done. Let's go."
Without hesitation, Lorelei ripped open her shirt.
Lena's eyes went wide, "You're a-"
"Super? Yes. Now can we please go." Lorelei said, growing impatient.
"Yes, yes. I'll call Kara and tell her it's an emergency. You three go find my stupid brother...s."

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