Back in Diapers: Alex, Lena, Nia and Kara edition

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"And I was just sitting there and then Alex turned into a toddler." Kelly sighed heavily, "Do you know what it's like to have to pry a gun out of a toddler's hands?"
"Otay, so fis is no wonger about me." Lena crossed her arms, "Twy hafing to retwain Kawa. She won't wisten to me."
"You have to retrain Kara?" Kelly looked at Lena, "But you're a toddler too?"
"Appawenwy I'm the onwy one who keeps their bwain when fis happened." Lena struggled to get off the couch, "At weast Awex is twying to be hersef."
"I know how you feel. Nia is taking full advantage of this situation. She keeps making me take her to Disneyland because she can get in for free."
"Brainy, did you just say Disneyland?" Kelly's eyes went wide.
"Yes, why?"
"Our studio has no rights to Disney!" Kelly replied.
"Oh no, I mean, she keeps making me take her to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter." Brainy covered.
"Better." Kelly sighed in relief.
"I downt see why fat was a big deal. We're witerally in a fanfic book. Not the weal show." Alex butted in.
Lena pointed towards Alex, "Awex is wight. Also, why me? Why not J'onn or Kewwy. I hafe to work."
"Because you're adorable." J'onn added.

~Am Hour Later~

"Kawa! Stop fying into the trash! I will make Jess take wou outside!" Lena yelled at Kara.
"It feels good to have arms and legs." Jess pokes her tongue out at Hope.
"I will live longer than you." Hope sassed.
"I will throw you into the trash can with Kara." Jess threatened.
"KARA! STOP EATING THOSE POTSTICKERS! THERE'S A REASON THEY ARE IN THE TRASH CAN!" Kelly's yelling could be heard echoing through the house.
"We should hafe left her at de DEO." Lena rolled her eyes.
"Where's Nia?" Brainy looked around the room.
"Oh no, how could you lose N-"
J'onn was cut off by a knock at the door. He rushed to answer it, only to find Kate Kane holding her under her arms.
"Is this yours?" Kate asked.
"Yeah she is, I'm so-"
"Are you really walking around the neighbourhood asking people if a child is theirs?" Kelly questioned.
"Yeah. Can you please take her? I should be in Gotham." Kate handed Nia to Brainy.
"Wasn't she in a plane crash?" Alex nudged Kelly.
"Shhhh, the writer doesn't like when we tear apart her plots." Kelly tried to make Alex quiet down.
"So, you know, the writer bought back Mon-El, Winn and Kate, who's next?" Alex asked.

"Surprise motherfucker!" Lex yelled as he stood in the doorway.
"No! I refuse that one!"
Yeahhhh nah, that didn't happen. Althoughhhh.

"Surprise motherfu-"
"Sam!!" Lena ran towards her, hugging her leg.
"Oh no, what's with all the babies?" Sam looked at everyone.
"Idk, the writer hasn't come up with a reasonable storyline yet. Like seriously, this happened in a Batman comic. Just steal that plot Ms Writer Lady." Kelly rolled her eyes.

I did though. It's the least read chapter btw guys. I see you don't like reading solutions to any problems I put the characters through.

Sam cuddled Nia in her arms, "Awe she reminds me of Ruby when she was a baby."
"You do realise you are holding a grown wo-"
"Shhh Kewwy, wet Nia hafe vis." Lena shushed Kelly, "She deserves some wove."
"So do I!" Kara got jealous.
Lena small arms wrapped around Kara, which prompted Sam to take a photo of the moment.
Lena squeezed Kara, "I wove wou!"
"I wove wou too!" Kara squeezed Lena.
"Kara! Careful! You could crush her to death." Kelly warned.
Kara immediately let go and started crying, "I downt wanna cwush Wena!"
Lena started to cry as well, "I downt want Kawa to cwy!"
"Oh my god, please turn them back!" Mon-El groaned.
"Shut up Mon-El!" Lena and Kara jinxed.

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