Hogwarts Houses

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Somebody asked me to sort the characters into their Hogwarts/Ilvermorny houses. Pleas note, this only goes for my version of the characters. Not the canon versions.

Hogwarts Houses:
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
- The Sorting Hat, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (/Sorcerer's) Stone

Ilvermorny Houses:
Thunderbird: Represents the soul, favours adventurers
Wampus: Represents the body, favours warriors
Horned Serpent: Represents the mind, favours scholars.
Pukwudgie: Represents the heart, favours healers.

Main Characters (featured in the show):

Kara: Hufflepuff // Pukwudgie
Lena: Slytherin // Pukwudgie
Alex: Gryffindor // Horned Serpent
Kelly: Ravenclaw // Pukwudgie
Lex: Slytherin // Horned Serpent
Lillian: Slytherin // Closeted Pukwudgie
James: Gryffindor // Thunderbird
J'onn: Hufflepuff // Horned Serpent
Mon-El: Slytherin // Thunderbird
Jess: Hufflepuff // Pukwudgie
Hope: Ravenclaw // Horned Serpent
Sam: Ravenclaw // Wampus
Ruby: Hufflepuff // Pukwudgie
Nia: Hufflepuff // Pukwudgie
Brainy: Ravenclaw // Horned Serpent
Winn: Ravenclaw // Horned Serpent
Maggie: Gryffindor // Wampus
Eve: Hufflepuff // Wampus
Eliza: Hufflepuff // Pukwudgie

Characters not in the show:

Lori: Slytherin // Pukwudgie
Marcus: Gryffindor // Horned Serpent
Cass: Ravenclaw // Wampus

Other Shows/Movies:

Sara (L.O.T): Gryffindor // Wampus
Ava (L.O.T): Ravenclaw // Thunderbird
Mick (L.O.T): Slytherin // Wampus
Charlie (L.O.T): Ravenclaw // Wampus
Zari (L.O.T): Slytherin // Wampus
Constantine (L.O.T): Slytherin // Pukwudgie
Kate Kane (Batwoman): Gryffindor // Wampus
Clark Kent (Superman): Gryffindor // Thunderbird
Lois Lane (Superman): Ravenclaw // Horned Serpent
Barry Allen (Flash): Hufflepuff // Thunderbird
Oliver Queen (Arrow): Gryffindor // Wampus
Luke (Batwoman): Ravenclaw // Horned Serpent
Mary (Batwoman): Slytherin // Pukwudgie


Natasha Romanoff: Slytherin // Wampus
Carol Danvers: Gryffindor // Thunderbird
Wanda: Hufflepuff // Wampus
Darcy: Ravenclaw // Horned Serpent

Katie McGrath Characters:

Katie McGrath: Ravenclaw // Pukwudgie
Morgana: Slytherin // Wampus
Saskia: Slytherin // Horned Serpent
Lucy: Slytherin // Thunderbird
Zara: Slytherin // Wampus
Sarah: Ravenclaw // Pukwudgie
Jules: Hufflepuff // Pukwudgie

Let me know if you disagree with any. I would be happy to offer my reasoning

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