Nia & Kid Lori

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"Okay Lori, what would you do if I jumped off a cliff?" Nia asked.
"Save you?" Lori looked at her, "Are you going to jump off a cliff or something?"
"No, I'm going skydiving and Kara said she doesn't have the time to save me if I back out. So it's up to you kiddo." Nia watched Spongebob with Lori beside her.
"But if you go skydiving, who will look after me?" Lori asked, "You're my cartoon buddy!"
"Don't tell your mom, but Mon-El offered."
"Mon-El! But he's a little bitch!" Lori complained.
"Hey! You're not allowed to say that. Plus, it's just for two hours."
"Two hours?!" Lori exaggerated, "That means I have to babysit Mon-El! And he's a brat!"
"Lore, it's only two hours. I won't be any longer."

~ A While Later~

"Mon-El! You're getting crumbs everywhere!" Lorelei shook her head, grabbing the vacuum, "Clean up your mess before my mothers get home."
"But I'm watching Spongebob." Mon-El complained.
"Now!" Lorelei ordered.
"Uhh fine." Mon-El rolled his eyes and got up.
"Now I see why my mom drinks so much." Lorelei sighed, walking off.

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