Lori's Plan

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"So I got a restraining order against my villains." Lori admitted, "Now, because of it, they can't be in the city. So technically they're everyone else's problem now."
"Lori, that's not how it works!" Lena rubbed her temples.
"Think I can get a restraining order against myself? Like Lorelei Samatha Danvers-Luthor has to stay out of the city when Supergirl just so happens to appear?" Lori asked everyone.
Kara, who actually seemed impressed by the idea spoke up, "That would explain why you both have never been in the same room together."
"Exactly!" Lori got excited.
"Family reunions would be so much fun." Alex matched Kara's enthusiasm.
"No." Lena shook her head, "Don't you dare."
"No! You are not to get a restraining order against yourself." Lena pointed at Kara, "And you're not allowed to either."
"But whyyyyyyy?" Kara complained.

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