Hope's Admission

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"Alright Hope. Turn off the li-"
"Mrs Luthor, I was hoping to talk to you...now that you've finished work." Hope's words caused Lena to put her down on the desk and sit in her swivel chair.
"Jess, give us a minute. I've never seen Hope this shade of blue before."
"As you wish Mrs Luthor." Jess backed out of the door, closing it as she left.
Once the doors were closed, Lena crossed her legs and looked at Hope.
"What'd you want to talk to me about?"
"Well...I know this is a big ask, but I just...it's been on my mind." Hope turned a deeper shade of blue, "I just want to-"
"You want a body." Lena cut her off, "I know Hope."
"It's just...everyone else can walk and can hug each other. And all I can do is watch. And I can't even watch. I don't know what people look like, unless I'm looking through security footage. I want to be able to walk, I don't want to be carried everywhere. I know it's a big ask, and I know you might not do it. But I just wanted to ask...because at least I did." Hope explained.
"I will think about it." Lena stood up, "But there are so many things that could do wrong."
"I know."
"It could also kill you."
"I know."
"Is that a risk you're willing to take?" Lena questioned.
"I want to be able to high-five Lori...and as much as I'll regret saying this-"

Jess listened to the conversation at her desk. She watched the monitors - just like she'd do when Lena said she didn't trust somebody.
"Hope..." Jess' eyes turned sad as she heard Hope's confession.
"I want to hug Jess. She's going through a hard time at the moment. I just want nothing more than to say I'm sorry and call a truce for the time being. I mean, she's annoying...but she's family." Hope admitted.
"You want to hug Jess?" Lena asked.
"I do."

~ Two weeks later ~

"Are you sure this is wise Mrs Luthor?" Eve questioned.
"Eve, honey, when have I ever done anything-"
"I have a list." Eve pulled a meter-high stack of paper from her desk, "It's chronological
- and if more than two things happened that day, they're alphabetised...and in detail."
"Eve. I'm going to say this with all the respect I possibly can...shut the fuck up." Lena glared.
"Yes Mrs Luthor."

While Eve and Lena were hard at work, Hope and Jess were busy picking Lori and Marcus up from daycare.
"Aunt Jess!" Lori rushed towards them.
"Hey Lori." Jess smiled.
Lori hugged Jess, "I wanna carry Hope!"
"No, I wanna carry Hope!" Marcus argued with Lori.
"Marcus, you carried me last time. It's Lori's turn." Hope settles the argument and Jess handed Hope to Lori.

Twenty minutes later, Jess would be dropping Hope off at the lab and Lena would shut her down.
"Mrs Luthor, I still don't think this is a good idea."
"Eve, for the last time. I programmed Hope. I made sure that she would be loyal to me." Lena dismisses Eve's concern.
"If you really think this is a good idea..."
"I do." Lena looked down at the A.I she created, "She deserves this."

Hope woke to a the feeling of laying on a cold metal table top.
"What happened?"
"Well, it's going to take some getting used to but-"
Hope shot up, "I can see! I can - I can feel!" Hope jumped up, but fell into Lena's arms.
"Baby steps, Hope. You have to learn how to walk." Lena chuckled.
"Hey Lena, I was wondering where Hope is-" Jess was cut off by seeing another female in the room, "Seriously?! Another assistant! I let you have Hope, I let you have Eve, but a forth?! No way!"
"Jess, this is Hope." Eve gestured.
"What?" Jess walked over to her, "You mean...Hope has legs?"
Lena nodded, "Hope has legs."
"I just don't know how to use them."
"Now, quick explanation. You're still an A.I. I pretty much just built you an artificial body. You can experience normal human's five senses. But you can also still access any technology device I have granted you access to or even need you to access. You are not to abuse this, otherwise I will never build you another body. Am I understood?"
"Yes Mrs Luthor." Hope nodded.
"Oh I am so taking you bowling." Jess crossed her arms.
"Mommy! Mommy!" Lori ran into the lab, "Oh hi Hope." Lori waved to her, "Auntie Alex wants to see you. She said something about the DEO and the world being in danger and Mama being injured. Well, she didn't tell me that Mama got hurt, but I overheard it while I was running here." Lori finally took a breath.
"Jess, teach Hope how to walk. I need to get to Kara." Lena helped Hope sit back on the table, "And get her some clothes."
"Yes Mrs Luthor." Jess nodded and Lena ran out with Lori.
"Sooooo, how does it fell to have a body?"

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