Young Lori

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"MOMMY!" The four-year-old screamed as she ran down the stairs. Tears were running down her face. She climbed on to the couch and cried into Lena's chest.
"Hey, hey, Lori what's wrong?" Lena rubbed her back soothingly as she cried.
"I-I h-had a d-dream that I was a d-donut." Lori cried.
"Oh hon-"
"And m-mama didn't r-realise it was m-me." Lori cried harder.
"I don't like where this is going." Lena glanced at Kara who was in the kitchen.
"A-and sh-she a-ate m-m-me." Lori gripped Lena's shirt.
Lena couldn't help but giggle, "Lori, that would never happen."
"B-but my d-dream." Lori looked up at Lena.
"Honey, that's all it was. A dream. How about from now on, if we can't find you, we will ask the donut if it's you?" Lena smiled sympathetically at the young girl.
"Thank you mommy."
"Now, I'll read to you again, but you have to go back to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow." Lena stood up and took the little girl's hand in her's.
"Yes honey?"
"Do you think I could be like Batwoman one day?" Lori pulled Lena up the stairs.
Lena's mind shut off for a split second as she smiled to herself, "Of course you could, my sweet sweet girl. But wouldn't you rather be like Supergirl?"
"No. Supergirl is mama and she doesn't have a cool car. Batwoman does." Lori skipped two steps.
"That's a fair point." Lena chuckled.
"Can you read me the book about quantum mechanics again?" Lorelei requested.
Lena's smile proved she was proud of herself for creating such an amazing kid, "Okay, but only the first three chapters."
"Lorelei. You have to get up early tomorrow."

~The Next Day~

Lorelei held Kara's hand as they walked into Catco.
"Mama, are you really going to interview Batwoman today?" Lori asked excitedly.
"Yes I am." Kara replied, picking Lori up, "But you have to stay at my desk."
"Whyyyyy?" Lorelei complained.
"Because I'm not allowed to take you in. Batwoman might get intimidated by your strength." Kara joked.
"Okay. I guess I can stay here." Lori sat in Kara's chair, "Oh my rao! Auntie Sam is here!" Lori almost fell off the chair in excitement. She ran to Sam and hugged her tight.

~After The Interview~

"Lorelei, I want you to meet-" Kara was cut off by her own daughter.
"Batwoman!?" Lori rushed to her feet and ran to the hero, "Hi! I'm Lorelei!"
Sam got off the ground and walked over to Kara, who was busy watching Lori bombard Batwoman with questions.
"She'd make a good field journalist, I'll give her that." Sam watched Lori take messy, misspelt, notes.
"She wants to be a scientist like her mommy." Kara shook her head, "She's got my genes-"
"Which means she will blow up the lab on her first day."

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