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"The next person to blow up my microwave, will experience what Kryptonite feels like to Kara." Lena threatened the group.
"Okay but, you raised a masochist and I kinda like it." Lori replied to the threat.
"I-" Lena couldn't say anything, she was shocked.
"Lori!" Kara yelled, "That's so inappropriate."
"Good to know that Lori ended up with one of Lena's traits after all." Alex said sarcastically.
Everyone looked to Cass, who was busy getting called out.
"I just want to be choked, why won't you choke me?" Lori asked Cass.
"This really isn't the place." She replied.
"Lore, I swear to god I will use my magic to yeet you into the sun." Wanda threatened.
"Jokes on you, the sun makes me stronger. Read the comics you red-haired fool." Lori argued.
"Red-haired fool? - I- You-" Wanda stuttered, struggling time find words, "Listen here you little shit!"

"So you mean to tell me that Miss Writer Lady wont let J'onn be apart of this...but she's willing to keep Wanda?" Mon-El looked to Winn.
"Wanda is her comfort character. So shut up or she will send you back to whatever depths of her mind she yoinked you from." Winn answered.

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