Mrs Luthor

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"Mommy, I want to go to art school when I'm older." Lori told Lena.
"I thought you wanted to work at L-Corp?" Lena looked down at her.
"I do! But I also want to go to art school." Lori climbed on to her lap.
The moment was interrupted by Jess walking into the office.
"Mrs Luthor, you have a visitor." Jess informed her.
"Send them in." Lena said with authority.
"Yes Mrs Luthor." Jess nodded and backed out.
"Now Lori, go sit on the couch. We will talk about art school later."
"But Mommy-"
"Lori, I am working." Lena gently moved Lori off her lap and guided her to the couch - holding her little hand.
"I don't like when you're like this." Lori admitted.
Lena stood shocked, "Like what?"
"All business-y. I like when you're my Mommy, not when you're Mrs Luthor." Lori climbed on to the couch.
"We will talk about this after the meeting." Lena sighed, walking back to her desk and composing herself.

"Good afternoon Mrs Luthor." The male greeted, ignoring the existence of the little girl on the couch.
"Lovely to see you, and at such short notice...what brings you by?" Lena sat in her swivel chair.
The male begin to open his mouth, but went quiet upon seeing Lori. He made eye contact with the child - which scared Lori.
"Do you think it's professional to bring a child to work?" He questioned her, challenging her authority. "What is she? Five? L-Corp is no place for a ch-"
"She is my daughter." Lena cut him off. "I will not let some entitled man question my professionalism." Lena stood up and walked over to him, "She is the one who will inherit this place once I die." Lena crossed her arms, "So you better watch what you say next."
"She is just a child. A stupid child. If you are not going to take this meeting seriously then-"
Lena snapped, "No one calls my child stupid." Lena stepped forward, "My wife? Maybe. But my child is a Luthor. My child is my DNA. My blood." Lena took another step towards him, "Congratulations sir. L-Corp will never do any kind of business with you ever again. And I hope Lori remembers my words when she takes my place. You will never have the support of my family's company." Lena spat the words at him as if she was a snake spitting venom.
"Leave my building." Lena demanded, "Now!"
He turned around and left the room. Lena sighed in relief and turned to Lori. Lori rushed to get off the couch and hug her mother.
"I wanna be like you Mommy."
"I know baby. I know." Lena knelt down and looked into her daughter's eyes, "But first, you can go to art school. Then come back and learn the ropes."
"Yay!" Lori hugged Lena again, "Thank you Mommy!"
"Ow, Lori, too tight." Lena said as she was being crushed.
"I'm so sorry." She let go.

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