The Surprise

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Everyone gathered outside of L-Corp.
"Well I don't smell fire." Lena smiled to herself.
Lori raced out of the building to meet everyone.
"Okay, so there's been a slight hiccup. Carol is crying because she hurt her thumb." Lorelei told everyone, "But we've got this under contro-"
Lori was cut off by everyone following Natasha inside. They all stopped when they saw the idiots standing there, surrounded by party decorations.
"What's going on?" Wanda looked at Lori.
Lori, Alex and the other idiots walked over to join Kara and Carol.
"We just wanted to say that we appreciate you guys." Kara smiled at them all.
"So you guys put a party together?" Natasha questioned.
"An appreciation party." Kara smiled.
"It's our a-party-ation, if you will." Lori seized the opportunity to make the pun.
"I will not." Lillian shook her head.
"Come on, we didn't spend two months planning this for you all to just stand there." Carol pulled Natasha into the middle of the room.
"What is she doing?" Lena asked Kara.
"Making Natasha dance." Kara replied, holding her hand out to Lena.
"Kara, you know I don't dance." Lena shook her head.
"You and I both know that's not true. And I will leak the security footage if you don't dance with me." Kara threatened lightheartedly.
"As you wish." Lena smiled, chuckling happily. Lena let herself be pulled off to where Carol and Nat were dancing together.

Lori sat on a chair in the corner as the others danced. She seemed content and filled with happiness. She was joined by Wanda, who handed her a cup of soft drink.
"Soft drink?" Lori questioned, looking at Wanda.
"I know you don't drink alcohol, but I didn't want to walk over empty handed.
Lori smiled widely, "Thank you." She took a sip of it and relaxed into the chair.
Wanda watched as Lori's eyes darted between everyone.
"Paranoid?" Wanda asked her.
"Yelena promised to be on her best behaviour, so did Lillian. But their best behaviour is still...not great." Lori turned to Wanda, "I don't want the responsibles to have to put up with our shit."
"They're not planning anything." Wanda replied, "In fact, Yelena has no intention of getting on your bad side."
"I love you." Lori said abruptly, "You know that right."
Wanda's shock expression softened into a smile, "Yeah. I do. You have incredibly loud thoughts."
Lori chuckled, "Sorry about that."
"Don't be. It's kind of refreshing to hear your thoughts, considering Yelena's are loud too. But all of hers are about plotting murder or getting even with Nat for something." Wanda shook her head, "At least yours are usually about me. They're not always kid friendly, but they're about me."
Lori wrapped her arm around Wanda and shifted in closer.

Their moment was interrupted by Yelena managing to get between them. The drunk Russian kept a tight hold on the bottle of vodka in her hand.
"I love you two." Yelena slurred, "You're my best friend." She tried to keep eye contact with Lori, "Bestie." She struggled to keep her head up, "Listen, listen. Your girlfriend, smoking hot." She then looked to Wanda, "Her girlfriend is so hot. I don't know how she managed that. But her girlfriend is wayyy out of her league. Anyway." She wrapped her arms around both of them, turning her attention back to Lori, "I love you." She took a sip of the vodka, "Don't let her go, Luigi, you won't get another one."
"Yoshi, you're drunk." Lori laughed at her.
"No I'm not. I'm Yelena! Who is this drunk bitch you're talking about?! I'll fight her for talking to my bestie." Yelena tried to stand, stumbling back and forth and she threatened to fight the air.
"Okay, Yoshi, calm down." Lori stood up, "Let's go get you some fresh air."
"OooOo I like air. It's good for your health." Yelena smiled, "Let's go."
"I'm sorry." Lori looked back at Wanda.
"Don't be, go take her home." Wanda stood and kissed Lori's cheek, "Also, Natasha was recording that so..."
"I hoped someone would be." Lori laughed, "I'll see you when you get home." Lori kissed Wanda, then picked up Yelena.
"OooOo Luigi, buy me dinner first." Yelena joked.
"Shut up." Lori laughed and flew her home.

Lena and Kara danced with each other, hand in hand as the baseline began to soften. They held each other in the embrace of the paced treble. Their song playing softly as everyone else seemed to fade away. All the memories of their love - their lives, living in the piece of lyrical, rhythmical poetry. Their hearts reminding one another of every small moment each of them held close. Every betrayal, every mischievous moment, every trial, every tribulation, melted away from their minds as they lost themselves within the moment - which was destined to join the rest of their memories, buried beneath the bass, dancing with each melodical note.
"If only I could marry her again." Kara thought to herself.
"If only I could've married her sooner." Lena thoughts filled her intellectual mind.

"Hey, hey Brainy. Why are Kryptonians like cockroaches?" Nia asked, stumbling into her seat.
"Nia, I don't believe they are-"
"One, they're scarier when they start flying. And two, they can survive a nuke." Nia started laughing at her own joke, "Like boom! And Kara is just standing there like a cartoon with black smog all over her front and spiked up hair."
Brainy looked confused, "How is that funny?"
"Oh because Kara would then have to find a new planet which just so happens to have an alien version of Lena and an alien Kelly. Because that bitch needs therapy." Nia made eye contact with him. "You have such pretty eyes."
"Thank you?"
"You're welcome." Nia looked around, "Where's Lori?"
"She had to take Yelena home."
"Take Yelena home?" Nia thought to herself, "Nooo! Brainy! She wouldn't. She loves Wanda!" Nia placed both of her hands on Brainy's shoulders, "She wouldn't take Yelena home know...make her go from Yelena Belova to Yelena Be-nt over."
"Nia, that is not what I meant at all."

"Lenaaa." Kara stumbled towards her.
"Oh no. Not this again." Lena shook her head, "Are all the idiots drunk?"
"Everyone except Lori." Wanda informed her, "She took Yelena home because she was going to fight someone."
"This is why the appreciate us so much." Natasha sat beside Wanda, "We put up with their bullshit."
"Itsy Bitsy." Carol laughed as she sat on Natasha's lap, bopping her nose.
"What?" Natasha farrowed her eyebrows.
"You know, the Itsy Bitsy spider." Carol slurred, barely able to keep her head up.
"Or would you prefer Latrodectus?" Lori said after speeding in to join the conversation.
"A latrod what?" Carol looked confused.
"It's the scientific name for a black widow spider." Lena said, taking care of an energetic Kara.
"What do you think Shmoopy?" Carol looked at Natasha, "Would you prefer science or cuteness?"
"I think neither. Call me Natasha." Nat replied honestly.
"Oh come on cutie patootie, you gotta pick one." Carol complained.
"Why are they getting worse?" Natasha looked to Lori, "Save me."
"From Cuddlebug?" Lori joined in coming up with bad pet names.
Nat glared at her, "Once Carol gets off me, I am stabbing you with Kryptonite."
"Why would you do that Honeybee?" Carol asked Nat.
"Wanda, give me strength." Natasha inhaled deeply.
"Why would I do that Angel face?" Wanda joined in.
"I hate you all." Natasha flipped Wanda off.
Carol teared up, "Even me Honeybuns?"
Natasha sighed, "I guess not."
"Yayyyy my snuggle wuggle bear doesn't hate me!!" Carol celebrated.
"I should've agreed to Latrodectus." Natasha shook her head.

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