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"Does anyone know Lena's password? I stop her laptop to watch cat videos but she's changed her password." Nia looked around at everyone.
"What was the only password?" Alex asked.
"It was Kara. I've tried everything to do with Kara and it's not it." Nia informed her.
"Then I'm out of ideas." Alex walked away, but Nia followed her.
"Can you get J'onn to read her mind?" Nia asked.
"Nia, just get your own laptop. Hell, you could make Lena buy you a new one." Alex said.
"But Aleexx, Lena's has really fast wifi no matter where I take it. It also has a file labeled do not read which just opens to a really weird fan fiction of her and Kara." Nia replied.
"Wait." Alex stopped dead in her tracks, "A fan fiction?"
"Yeah. And it has Lena's virtual diary." Mia smiled mischievously.
"Okay, we are getting into that laptop even if it kills us."

The two sat in a room together trying everything and anything to get into that laptop.
"Try I.hate.monel."
"That didn't work." Alex scratched her head.
"Wow, no need to be a bitch Nia."
"I meant try it as the password." Nia gestured to the laptop.
"Right. Sorry."
"Wait! I got it." Nia pulled the laptop towards her. "And I'm in."
"What was it?"
"Imthetopnotkara." Nia replied.
"Of course." Alex looked at Nia, "She knew we would've never thought of that because she's a bottom!"
"What are you two doing?" Lena asked, crossing her arms behind them.
"Reading fanfiction?" Nia avoided looking at Lena.
Lena grabbed her laptop, "Now I have to change my password again. Get your own laptop."
"If I do...will you download you diary on to it?" Nia asked.
Lena glared at her, "I will download a virus on to this one if you ever click on that file. And Alex, I'm 100% sure that you don't want to read about how your sister fucked me so hard that our bed went through the wall."
"Well, now I know why that massive hole is in the wall."

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