Kidnapping Lena & Lori

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"I can't believe you're kidnapping me." Lena shook her head, "Lori I understand, but I'm an old lady now."
"We didn't even do anything." The kidnapper pointed out, "You both grabbed the chloroform-soak rags and the bags, put the bags on your heads and threw yourselves into the back of our van."
"Yeah, yeah, that's because we know the drill and we're sick of you guys not doing it properly." Lori shrugged, then looked to her mother, "What is aunt Kelly cooking for dinner tonight?"
"I think Wanda is the one cooking tonight." Lena replied.
"Oh." Lori looked at the kidnappers, "Could we do this tomorrow night? My girlfriend is going to kill me if skip dinner."
"No!" One of the kidnappers looked back at them, "You should've thought about that because you made us kidnap you."
"You we're going to do it anyway, we just helped you." Lena shrugged.

A few hours later, Lori & Lena were tied up in a dark room.
"Mister Kidnapper! I'm hungry!" Lori yelled.
"Lori, shut up. Behave yourself. This nice man made the decision to not hit you with Kryptonite. So sit there and-" As Lena spoke, she looked over to see Lori's ropes all over the ground and her sitting there eating a Happy Meal. "Did you steal a Happy Meal?!"
"Technically yes, but technically no because I left the money on the counter." Lori pointed out.
The kidnapper groaned and rubbed his temples, "Can you both please act scared?"
"Why should we?" Lori asked, "I'm literally a Kryptonian."

A few hours later, Wanda heard the news playing in the radio.
"Lori's been kidnapped?!" She gasped as her suit materialised on to her. She flew out of the house and tracked down Lori. She used her magic to blow the doors of their hinges as she walked through.
"Oh thank god." The kidnappers looked to Wanda, "Please take them. We tried to let them go, but they're refusing to leave."
"Lori, Lena, come on dinner is read- is that McDonalds?!" Wanda glared at her.
"I got hungry and they wouldn't let me go home to you." Lori admitted.
"I made lasagna!" Wanda looked at the kidnappers, "Come on, we'll discuss this further when we get home." Wanda used her magic to free Lena.
"Thanks Wanda." Lena smiled, "Lovely seeing you again Jim." Lena waved at the kidnapper.

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