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"Guys! Have you heard the news? Miss Writer Lady is getting sober!" Nia squealed.
"Does that mean we won't be as funny?" Alex questioned.
"She literally has the personality of a crack head. She'd fit right in with Kara, Nia, Lori and Jess." Kelly pointed out.
"Maybe Lena should get sober too." Kelly suggested.
"No thank you." Lena shook her head.
"You don't have to get completely sober, just sober-ish." Nia continued Kelly's suggestion.
Lena sighed, looking towards the baby in the crib, "Your aunts are bullies." She said to Lori.
"Lena, I think that would be a really good idea. Plus, you are Miss Writer Lady's comfort character." Kara told her.
"I thought it was Sam." Lena gestured to Sam.
"Only 'cause I'm one sexy mother fu-"
"Father! Hallelujah! Praise the lord!" Nia yelled.
"What the actual flippity flop?" Kara questioned.
"There's a baby in the room. No cussing." Nia told everyone.
"Kara, please just say fuck." Alex begged.

~ A day later ~

"Which one of you fuckers tipped out my whiskey?!" Lena yelled at everyone.
"We threatened Kara and froze your assets. So now you can't buy more and Kara has to cuss for you to have access to your money." Nia admitted.
"Nia, sweet angel, I have trauma. Give. Me. My. Money." Lena said between gritted teeth.
"Not until Kara swears." Alex stepped in.
"Kara, I swear to fucking god, if you don't swear-"
"I want you to get fluffing sober. So flippity flop you, you beautiful woman." Kara denied.
"Oh my god." Kelly shook her head, "We're going to regret this decision."

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