Cure Baby Lena

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Kara hunts down a villain and they are the one that turned Lena into a baby

"Director, there is some strange energy signals radiating from the docks." An agent informed Brainy.
"I'm on it." Kara nodded.
A small hand gripped Kara's cape, "I wanna come." Lena complained.
"Lena, you're currently a toddler. You wouldn't be able to-"
"Kara Zor-El Danvers-Luthor, if you don't pick me up and let me help, you're sleeping on the couch!" Lena threatened.
Kara sighed, "Fine. But I'm leaving you at a distance. I can't have you getting hurt."
Lena nodded, "Okay."

Kara picked up Lena and flew to the docks. She left Lena standing behind a small shipping container so she could watch, but not be in the way.
"Oh, it's you." The villain said with a distasteful tone drenching his voice. "I was expecting the Batman, or at least Batwoman."
"Who are you?" Kara asked.
"Hugo Strange, and this here?" He turned to face the ten-foot ray gun behind him, "This here is what turned your pathetic excuse for a wife into a toddler."
Kara stared at Hugo for a split second before Brainy ordered to destroy it.
"Kara, no!" Lena yelled, trying to run before falling flat on her face, "Damn these baby legs!"
Kara turned to Lena, "What?" Kara helped Lena up quickly.
"The man's a genius, possibly smarter than Lex. He would have a con...tin...gency plan for if you destroy it." Lena said, tugging on Kara's cape.
"The Luthor is a smart one, I'd listen to her...Ms Danvers." Hugo's thin lips twisted into  wicked smile.
"How'd you-"
Kara was cut off by Lena yelling, "It's Mrs Danvers-Luthor! Get. It. Right."
Kara mentally face-palmed as the Luthor started walking towards Hugo, yelling at him. Kara quickly picked up Lena before she did something she was going to regret.
"Kara! Put me down! This jerk is going to get it!"
"This is why I wanted to leave you at the DEO." Kara sighed heavily.
"Well, it was lovely talking to you kids, but I have work to do." Hugo dismissed the Super and the Luthor.
Kara sat Lena down on the cold cement beside her.
Brainy was in Kara's ear, telling her to try to fire at the ray at Hugo. This way, he'd turn into a toddler. But when Kara tried to do that, she became swamped in her cape.
"Not again!" Kara yelled.
Kara tried her best to throw her cape behind her, but she ended throwing it on to Lena.
"Ow!" Lena cried.
"Sorry." Kara replied.
Kara looked up at Hugo, an idea popping into her head. She flew up, her costume was too big for her, it looked like the girl had gotten into a tent. Kara pulled out her glasses and put the on, the suit materialised into a smaller version of her original clothes. "I'll just have to defeat you as Kara, rather than Supergirl."
"Kara, I do not advise whatever you're planning." Brainy said harshly.
Lena watched Kara pick up Hugo, giving Lena enough time to rush over to the control panel of the ray gun. She started to recalibrate the machine.
"Brainy, I can't believe I'm saying this but, I need time. I need you to send more agents as a distraction. Preferably some that can protect me." Lena requested, as she looked up she saw Hugo landed safely on the ground and turning off his jet pack. Then milliseconds later, Kara fell to the ground. Her veins glowing green.
"I must really thank the Bat for leaving his kryptonite unattended." Hugo shrugged, "Now, get out of my way. I have a world to turn into toddlers." Hugo shoved Lena out of the way.
Lena looked down at herself, "Toddlers, aye? Let me show him why that's a bad idea." Lena mumbled.
Brainy's eyebrow raised, "Lena, what are you-"
Lena started to cry, loudly, as she gripped her knee. Hugo was visibly growing frustrated. When Nia arrived at the scene, with the other agents, she caught on to what Lena was doing. "Brainy, I need you to order all the agents, who were turned, to come to the docks. We're going to piss off a bad guy." Nia tried not to laugh.
Hugo turned around and looked at Lena, snapping, "Shut up!"
Lena went quiet for a second, looking up at him, she then sobbed harder. Nia then rushed over to Lena and started to cry with her.
"Do you even know what you're crying about?" Hugo gestured towards Nia.
"No, but Lena's crying. So I am too." Nia continued to sob.
Hugo ran his sweaty hands over his bald head and down his face, stroking his bread.
Kara started to cry, catching on to what they are doing, "Why are you so mean to my wife?"
Soon, all the other agents were crying and Hugo tried to pick up each of the babies, rocking them gently until they went to sleep.
It was when he started rocking Nia, that Lena saw her chance. She climbed onto the control panel and started attempting to recalibrate the machine, once again. She typed away on the small key pad as Nia kept the man entertained. Kara watched Lena, smiling with pride.

Lena looked up at Nia and fired the ray towards her. Nia transformed into the fully-grown woman she originally was.
"Lena! I was getting cuddles!" Nia complained.
Then Kara was shot at, followed by the other agents.
"No!" Hugo yelled, running towards the machine.
He was stopped by Kara. "Don't even think about it."
He grabbed the Kryptonite from his pocket, once again.
Alex walked up behind him and yanked it out of his hand, "And I'll be taking that."
"How did she manage to do that?! Not even Lex would've been able to."
"Its simple. I'm not my brother." Lena says, getting off the machine. "And you, you're about to get your ass handed to you by a Kryptonian." Lena smile innocently, "I wonder if the Bat would be able to turn you into a pretzel."
He turned on his jet pack and flew off, leaving Kara, Lena and the others standing there.
"Well, Mrs Danvers-Luthor. You've saved the day, once again." Kara smiled.
Lena hit the button and grew into her adult body. "Perhaps I was right, brains can solve more problems than brawn?"
Kara smiled in defeat. She bit the corner of her bottom lip, "Maybe. Just maybe, you were right."
"Now, do I get a kiss?" Lena asked, smiling with pride.
"I mean, the hero always gets the girl." Kara joked, resulting in a giggle from Lena.

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