Back in Diapers (Im sick of writing baby talk edition)

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"I hate fis!" Lena complained as she tried to pull on her suit blazer.
"You're telling me. I have to babysit my mothers." Lori rolled her eyes, watching as Lena ruined her expensive suits.
"Shut up and shrink my suits!" Lena demanded.
Wanda shook her head, magic-ing up a little suit for the toddler, "There you go Lena." She smiled softly, "Are you happy now?"
"Fank wou Wanda!" Lena said happily as she ran out of the bedroom.
"I can handle the little billionaire, if you go handle Kara." Wanda offered.
"Orrrr." Lori sat on the bed and pulled Wanda on to her so Wanda could straddle her waist, "We can leave the babysitting to the others and we can stay in here."
Wanda chuckled, wrapping her arms around Lori's neck, "I would love to, but unfortunately you and J both know that as soon as J'onn sees baby Kara - he will run for the hills."
Lori sighed in disappointment, "I know."
"Hey," Wanda used her forefinger to make Lori look up at her, "There's always tonight when they fall asleep."
Nia ran into the room, "Wanda, Worwi, Bwainy needs to go. But I want to stay. So can I?"
Lori and Wanda looked at each other, obviously talking to each other through the telepathic connection made by Wanda.
"Stop thinking about that." Wanda playfully slapped Lori's shoulder, then looked back at Nia, "Of course Nia."

"Hah! Now I'm the kid!" Nat poked her tongue out at Carol.
"Oh no." Carol's eyes went wide, "Lenaaa!"
"She's a kid too." Nat ran out of the room.
"Get back here!" Carol rushed out after her wife.
"You can't catch me!" Nat dodged the adults, using her muscle memory from when she was trained in the Red Room.
"How old is Nat's body right now?" Lori farrowed her eyebrows, carrying Lena in her arms.
"About the most." Wanda informed her.
"Wait, then how can she talk normally and do all that stuff?" Lori watched Natasha flawlessly replicate her own hero stunts.
"Red Room training." Wanda replied.
"She was that young?" Lori looked shocked.
"Maybe younger." Wanda replied, "Yelena was six when she started. Nat started even younger, so most likely."
Natasha started yelling Russian at Carol. Resulting in a two-year-old Yelena running towards her older sister.
Lori sat on the couch and Lena snuggled into her chest, falling asleep soon after. Nia rested her head on Lori's leg and Natasha soon rested her head on the other leg. Both of them ended up falling asleep. Yelena was quick to join the pile up, cuddling into Natasha. Kara came over and begin to try to wake them up.
"Ma no." Lori shook her head, "Let them sleep."
"But I wanna pway." Kara complained.
"They need to rest. And so do you." Wanda picked Kara up.
"I downt want too." Kara huffed.
"Well, how about I sing you a lullaby?" Wanda smiled softly and the Kryptonian.
"Otay." Kara smiled happily.
Wanda began to sing softly in Sokovian (video is above), "'tie mi t͡ʃaˈjaɫəm / ˈʃiɪdeŋ ˈti e ˈʃte / ˈdrage wo sto ˈmisliɫə / ˈdom naʃ ˈʃiɪdeŋ ˈgnieʒdo / bez veˈdeɪ̆ doˈkude ˈjit͡ʃiʃ / ˈʃiʒa ˈsunso nad tiˈe."
Kara fell asleep in Wanda's arms and the redhead sat down gently on the couch, ensuring not to sit on the sleeping superheroes or wake Kara.
"I want kids." Lori said abruptly, causing Wanda to look over to her.
"I want kids, Wands." Lori repeated, "Not now but eventually. I want kids with you."
"Well," Wanda smiled softly at Lori, her red magic flowing from fingertip to fingertip, "That could be arranged. Someday."
Lori couldn't help but smile at Wanda.

Twenty minutes later, the toddlers, and young children, would be causing chaos for those still their appropriate ages.
"For the love of god! Yelena!" Lillian rushed over to take the gun off her, "No guns!"
"But she started it!" Yelena yelled, pointing towards her sister.
"I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it." Lillian shut them up.
"Kara Zor-El Danvers-Luthor! Put your sister down this instant!" Carol demanded.
"Yes Carol." Kara drowned, putting Alex on the ground.
"Where's Nia, Carol and Lena?" Lori scanned the house, "Oh thank god. They're napping."
"Nia's napping with my wife?!" Nat got jealous, stomping towards the room.
"Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, if you wake them up, so help me god - I will confiscate your batons." Lori threatened.
"Fine! But I get to nap with Brainy then!" Natasha stomped off, climbing on to the ten-year-old genius' shoulders, "Nap with me!"
"No, I'm busy." He pushed her on to the desk.
"I wanna nap!" Natasha cried.
"Then go nap with Alex." Brainy kept his focus on his equations.
"But Alex sleep with a gunnn, she'd shoot me." Nat complained.
"Which reminds me, Kelly needs to talk to her about that." Lena said, picking up Natasha.
"I don't want to be carried! I want to-" Nat cut herself off, "Never mind, this is nice."

Wanda looked over to Lori, "Now can I use my magic?"
"To control them or to fascinate them?" Lori responded.
"Control the troublemakers, fascinate the others." Wanda joked.
Lori glared, "Babe."
"What? I was kidding." Wanda's hands lit up as the magic flowed through the house, gathering everyone's attention.
Kara looked up at the magic, "Pterodactyl!" She flew up and started to fly with it around the house.
Brainy saw equations and science filling the glow.
Lena smiled in awe as she joined her science bro in seeing her equations pan out.
Nia saw an assortment of animals.
Yelena and Natasha saw the memories of when they were kids. The three years they spent before they were ripped from each other.
Carol felt herself amongst the stars once more. Flying between the planets and feeling the sun's rays on her skin.
Everyone saw the thing that brought them the most peace. But Lori saw nothing. She didn't need to see anything. Because what brought her peace was all around her. Her friends, her family, her love. She kept her eyes on Wanda, amazed by what she could do.

Three days later

Natasha and Yelena were running through the house fighting. Yelena tackled Nat to the ground, resulting in the two bickering.
"(In Russian) Get off me or I will stab you in the face!" Natasha threatened Yelena.
"(In Russian) Do that and I will gut you like the battered piece of cod you are!" Yelena replied just as threateningly.
"(In Sokovian) I liked it better when you weren't teenagers." Wanda rolled her eyes, using her magic to pull Yelena off of Natasha.
"(In Russian) Stop trying to kill each other." Lori spoke up, "Otherwise I will lock you both in the shame box."
"(In English) You speak Russian?" Wanda questioned.
"Yep! I also speak whatever language Miss Writer Lady needs me to speak for plot convenience." Lori replied, looking at the sisters.
Lena shivered, "Ughh finally." She looked down at now fully grown body, "Never doing that spell again."
"Can you reverse the others?" Lori looked around.
"It'll wear off eventually." Lena dismissed Lori, "Plus, you are totally enjoying playing parents with Wanda."
"The two Russians are trying to kill each other, Ma keeps requesting that you show her your boobs, Nia keeps aggravating Carol so she lights up. Aunt Alex keeps trying to join the Russians in their death matches. And Wanda and I haven't slept together in three days." Lori pointed out.
Lena pat her on the shoulder, "Welcome to motherhood."

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