Marvel X DC Part 4

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Lena found herself with her hands tied behind her back. If anything, Lena saw the kidnapping as a minor inconvenience.
"Look, Supergirl's going to be here any sec-"
"Save your breath Ms Luthor." A familiar voice told her, "Kara won't even notice you're missing."
"Yes she will!" Lena argued.
"Your friends are too busy trying to find a cure for the curse I placed on some of them. Without knowing the spell, they won't have any way of reversing it." The woman explained.
"Who are you?" Lena struggled against the rope, "I demand to know who you are!"
As the woman stepped out from the shadows, Lena was face-to-face with someone who shared her face.
"I'm Morgana Pendragon. It's humbling to be in my presence again, isn't it?"
"You're a bitch. I can't wait for see Wanda mess you up." Lena relaxed.
"Who's Wanda?" Morgana asked.
"Wanda Maximoff. She's from another universe. She's the Scarlet Witch...or something like that." Lena shrugged.
"Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!" Morgana said excitedly.
"Did Nia teach you that?"
"Yeah, you like it? Apparently it's from an epic action-packed film about a prophesied warrior." Morgana looked down at Lena.
"It's about a Panda who was adopted by a swan or something and he doesn't want to make noodles. So he goes out to learn Kung Fu, accidentally crashes a ceremony and is apparently the Dragon Warrior or some shit. She watches it constantly. It's one of my favourite movies" Lena looked up at Morgana, "It's literally called Kung Fu Panda."
"Oh. That's disappointing."
"Take my advice, if you're going to pretend to be me, you're going to need a bottle of wine and not leave the idiots alone together. Kara, Nia and Alex will go to prison. Lorelei will eat everything in the house, cry about it, then cry about how she's going to die alone. Kelly will force everyone to have a group therapy session, which you won't be able to get out of, so put a bit of vodka in a water bottle." Lena advised.
"Sounds like this world is going to be easy to take over."

~ Two Hours Later ~

Morgana walked back into the room, crying from everything that just happened, "Please take your life back. I don't want it anymore. Kara spilt wine of the carpet. Where did she even get the wine? There wasn't any wine in the house." Morgana sobbed.
"This is why I like being kidnapped. It gives me a break. Also, now I see why Kara was turned on when I was on my evil shit. I'm pretty hot." Lena admired Morgana.
"Are you saying that you'd fuck yourself?" Morgana raised an eyebrow.
"No, but I see why Kara would. Also, good luck with horny Kara. Don't sleep with my wife, but like, good luck with that." Lena sipped a glass of wine.
"Where did you get that? And how did you get out?" Morgana asked.
"I keep an emergency glass and bottle in my bag. Also, Kara ties me up enough for me to know how to escape." Lena admitted.
"I'm going to need a wine."
"Bottle or glass?"
"Bottle." Morgana replied.
"I feel like we would be good friends if you weren't trying to kill me and all my friends." Lena smiled slightly.
"Now you know how my old friends felt about me."
"Would you...maybe...want to watch tv or something? Like don't get me wrong, this is the best kidnapping ever, but I'm kinda bored...and running out of wine." Lena looked at her glass sadly.
"I'm magic, I can just top you up when you get low again."
"Oh my god, it's finally happened. I'm in heaven."

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