Fuck the Supers

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"Lena! When I said fuck the Supers I didn't mean literally." Lex glared at his sister.
"Oh I know what you meant. But when have I ever listened to you?"
"Can you at least untape me from the pole? It's giving me flashbacks." Lex requested.

~When Lena was six~

"Lena, let me go!" Lex struggled against the tape.
Lena threw the empty roll of tape, catching it each time, "No. You cut off Mr Snuggles' head. So now you'll be taped to that pole until you apologise."
"I will kill you!"

Lillian looked up from her book, "Is this a mom sense? Or am I just sick?"
"You just HAD to have the girl." Their father rolled his eyes.
"No offence to Lex, but Lena's the one I favour." Killian stood from her chair, "I'll check on them and make sure Lena didn't strap Lex to a rocket again."
"She needs to stop tying Lex up."

~Lena and Kara are on a boat together after Lena taped current Lex to a pole~

"Wow Lena! You're so good at tying knots...where'd you learn to do that?" Kara asked.
"I used to tie Lex up all the time when he'd mess with my toys." Lena admitted.
Kara laughed, thinking Lena wasn't kidding, "Wait. You're serious?"
"If you think these knots are impressive. You should see the knots I can tie with my tongue." Lena teased.
"As hot as that may be, do I have to call Kelly?" Kara asked.
"Why? So Kelly can see the knots I can tie with my tongue?"
"No Lena! To talk about how you used to tie up your brother." Kara replied.
"Oh." Lena turned away, "No, she already knows."

"Alex." Kelly turned to her.
"My Lena need therapy senses are tingling." Kelly looked towards the door.
"Don't. She's with Kara." Alex made Kelly face her again, "By now they are probably naked."

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