L-Corp's CEO

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"Without you sitting in the CEO's chair, the company's reputation will go downhill. Are we really going to entrust L-Corp to a little Lillian?" Someone asked.
"I apologise for speaking out of turn," Jess walked forward, "But Lorelei has far batter credentials than all of you. There is no person on this planet who is more qualified for Lena's position, aside from Lena herself."
"I've worked with Miss Danvers for years. I've seen her grow up. And I second what Jess is saying." Hope said, remaining in her chair at the table.
"That's coming from a machine made by Lena." One of the executives pointed out.
"If Lorelei takes over your position Mrs Luthor, than you can count me out." Another said.
"Then you're out." Lorelei spoke up. "I will be taking my mother's position once she decides to make her leave permanent." Lorelei looked to Lena, "Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I will be damned if I let overly judgmental, misogynistic men speak for the future of this company."
"Miss Danvers," Lena stood up, "This meeting was held as a way of seeing if it is my time to leave L-Corp." Lena looked to the executives, "And I see now that none of you can handle the thought of a promising young woman taking over."
"You are different to her Mrs Luthor. She's a delinquent. Her criminal record is-"
"All charges were cleared after she completed her community service. She has worked at Catco. She grew up in the laboratory. She had proven herself to be more than her past." Lena defended her daughter. "Miss Danvers and I are more alike than you care to admit."
"But she's a wo-"
"If you finish that sentence, you will be out in your ass quicker than Supergirl can fly here to remove you for me." Lorelei threatened.
"You can't threaten me." The executive said, standing up to get in Lorelei's face. "You need me."
"When I was fifteen I got a job at Catco and I climbed the ranks. I clawed my way through grouping male hands and perverted men thinking that reporting was only for their gender. It took me four years. Four years of ignoring Andrea when she'd tell me not to go to a place because it is no place for a woman to be. Four years of hungry men swearing that a woman's brain is between her legs. It took four years of sexism, discrimination and sexual harassment, but I was put on the directors board at Catco because I am dedicated and hardworking and I will do anything to be good at my job." Lorelei made no change to her posture, "How many of you men can say the same?"
Lena was shocked to hear what Lorelei was saying. Lorelei never told her she was harassed while on cases. And Lorelei still made no change, she seemed like the business side of her brain had fully consumed her.
"My daughter will take my place. And that is the end of this discussion." Lena looked around the room, "She will study under me until I give up my title. That is that." Lena dismissed everyone and once everyone left the room, Lorelei had finally turned her emotions back on.
"Why didn't you tell me about all of that?" Lena asked.
"Because," Lorelei turned to her, "If I did, you would've made me quit. And I couldn't quit, you know that."
"Why didn't you tell your mother?" Lena asked.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but Ma and I...ever since she had to lock me up every week...you know." Lorelei sighed, "I didn't think she'd care."
"Lorelei." Lena rushed to kneel in front of her, placing a hand on her cheek and making Lori look at her, "Of course she'd care. You're her daughter. She doesn't hate you and she cares about you. She was just heartbroken to think that she had lost you in a way that a hero shouldn't lose their child. Every fight, every argument, every time she lectured you...she did it because she loved you and she was afraid of not being able to bring you back home."
"But I don't feel like any of that's true." Lorelei admitted.
Lena fought the tears that were forming, "But it is true. Lori, we're your mothers. We made you. I carried you. When your mother found out I was pregnant, she immediately ran into the other room and started building your nursery. When you were born, she cried - more than what she did at our wedding. When you started school, she would wait for you to get home so she could play games with you. When you started you crime spree, she was heartbroken, but she still cared. And when she found out you started working at Catco, she was ecstatic. She thought that there would finally be something that could help you two reconnect. She's spent your whole life trying to protect you from everything and anything that could hurt you. So when you chose to be the bad guy, she was conflicted. She wanted to protect you...but that meant hurting you. And she didn't want to do that. So she tried to find a way around it." Lena tucked a loose strand of hair back behind Lori's ear, "And she would've done everything to make sure that you were safe while you were working at Catco. Because she cares about you. More than you'll ever know."
"I know that now." Lorelei looked down at Lena, "I know that. But at the time...I was broken and scared. And most days, I still am."
"I know, Lori, I know." Lena pulled her into her arms, "But you will always have us. A Danvers never turns their back on their family. And a Luthor will only turn their back on you if you're Lex."
Lorelei chuckled hearing the last part, "Thank you Mom." She let her tears fall.
"Never forget any of that, Lori. We love you." Lena held on to Lori.

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