Luthor Team Up pt 2

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"There." Lex handed Lori the case of patches, "These are exact replicas, with the exception of you not being controlled. They also work as a tracker, so we know where you are at all times." Lex explained.
"As for Lena." Lilian spoke up, "She will need to go back to the DEO and request that they knock her out for a few hours. Long enough for you to convince Mr Stagg that she is still in a coma."
"How can we be sure that Lex hasn't just made his own version of the control patches?" Lena posed the question.
"Because," Lex rolled his eyes, "She's the closest thing to a niece I will be getting from you. Plus half human isn't that bad."
"That's as close as we're going to get to I love my niece." Lori looked towards her mother, "So go. Get going. I'll be okay."
"I sure hope you know what you're doing Lori."
"I never know what I'm doing."

Two hours later, Lori would be calling Mr Stagg into her office. This time she would be pretending to be powerless and completely under his control. But Lori wasn't stupid, and neither was Jess.
"Excuse me Miss Luthor. You have another meeting." Jess walked in, closely followed by Hope - who was carrying Mr Stagg's coffee.
Hope tripped and spilt the coffee all over the documents Mr Stagg had brought with him. Which, upon Hope's further inspection, where papers so that Lori could sign over L-Corp.
"I'm so so sorry." Hope tried to use some tissue to clean off the coffee stains.
"Lorelei, fire her."
"Of course, Hope. You're fired." She said robotically.
"You're fired. And if Jess doesn't get Mr Stagg a new coffee, she too will be fired." Lori ordered.
"Yes Miss Luthor." Hope nodded and walked out, taking the soaking documents with her.

"Miss Luthor, I was actually coming in to tell you that you have a visitor." Jess watched sadly as Hope walked away.
"Who is it?"
"Me." Lilian said as she strutted in.
"Lilian Luthor?" Stagg questioned.
"Mr Stagg, I see you're trying to manipulate my granddaughter." Lilian looked to Lori, "Now tell me. Those patches of yours are of amazing design. Did you make them yourself?"
"You know about the patches?" He questioned.
"I know everything." Lilian turned around, "Hope! Eve!" The two women came into the room, holding files in their hands. "These are all documents from Stagg Industries detailing you plan, as well as some nice recipes from that food critic everyone's been raving about."
Lex stepped inside from the balcony door, "But he won't need them where he's going."

Lorelei stood up, "So yeah, I set you up." Lori shook her head, "But did you really expect anything more from a Luthor?"
"I expected you to be like Kara."
"Well, that's your first mistake. The second was offering a controlling device to someone who's related to Lilian and Lex. And your third and final mistake was forgetting that I am the daughter of the woman you fear the most." Lori explained.
"And who is that?" He questioned.
"Me." Lena made her grand entrance. Dressed in a tailored suit and looking more alive than she did when she was in her twenties. "Simon, nice to see you again. New suit?"
"Easy." Lori began to answer, walking around from her desk to walk over to him, "The Luthor's die on their own terms. Plus your little bone-eating bacteria were easy to trace."
"You have about three seconds before my wife comes here and turns you into a pretzel." Lena threatened, "Or better yet...that stupid kid can."
Lori cracked her knuckles, "Years ago my mother told you that L-Corp will never do business with you. And I intend on keeping that promise. Lori pulled the real patches from the pocket of her black slacks and held them in front of his face, "You have exactly two seconds to leave this room, or you will be thrown of my balcony." She crushed the box of patches in her grip and let the pieces fall on to the ground, "One."
He began to walk out, but turned around at the last second, "I will make you all sorry."
"We're Luthors. We get even." Lori crossed her arms.
"It seems as if L-Corp is in good hands." Lilian turned to Lori, "Well done."

The four Luthor's lined up on the balcony as Stagg Industries was blown to smithereens.
"Nice touch Lena." Lex complimented.
"You can thank Kara for that. I told he to be herself as she looked for proof of what we were saying." Lena looked towards the rubble.
"So Ma blew up Stagg Industries?" Lori looked to Lena.
"Yep." Lena chuckled, "I knew her stupidity would pay off some day."
Lori pealed Lex's made patch off her arm, "Thanks...for helping." Lori thanked Lilian and Lex.
"You're welcome. Just don't tell anyone."

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