The Characters As Vine Quotes

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Kara: "Road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does."
Alex: "Kara nO."

Lori: "Happy Crimus"
Nia: "It's crismus"
Lena: "Merry crisis"
Kara: "Merry Chrysler"

Kara:  "I spilled lipstick in your Valentino bag."
Lena: "You spilled — whaghwhha — lipstick in my Valentino White bag?!"

Lori, to Marcus after he gets lectured by Kelly: "This is your space, this is your area, she can't do that to you."

Lena, to Kara and Lori: "When will you learn that your actions have consequences?"

Lori, on the phone to Nia: "Get to Del Taco. They got a new thing called freesha... free... freeshavaca-do."

Alex: *startles Kara*
Kara: "Staaaahp! I coulda dropped mah croissant!"

Alex, giving a peep talk to Marcus: "All I wanna tell you is the school is not important... Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog... woof! You know?"

Nia, talking about Kara & Lena before they got together: "And they were roommates."
Sam: "Mah God, they were roommates."

Lori, on the Waverider: "Look at all those chickens, they make me miss my friends!"

Nia: "What are thoseeeeee?"
Kara: "They are my crocs!"

Lena: "Marcus, can you read number 23 for the class?
Marcus: "No, I cannot... What up? I'm Marcus, I'm 19 and I never  learned how to read."

Lori, to Cass & Nia: "What's 9 plus 10?"
Nia: "21."
Cass: "Oh my god."

Lori, at the police station: "A mug shot? I don't even drink coffee."

Kara: "Lori! Is that a brownie?
Lori: "No, this is a crayon."
Kara: "I'm calling the police" *puts 911 into microwave*
Maggie: "911 what's your emergency?"

Lena, finding Kara in the washing machine: "What are you doing?"
Kara: "I'm washing myself and my clothes. So that I can save some electricity."
Lena: "Kara nO."

Lori: "I can't imagine being Mayo."
Lena: "Why would you imagine being mayo?"
Kara: "She just said she can't imagine that Lena."

Lori: "Welcome to Bible Study!"
Lilian: "We're all children of Jesus..."
Lex: *Murdering someone*
Lilian: *Kidnapping someone*
Lena: *Being kidnapped by Lilian*
Lori, Cleaning up her blood and pulling a knife out of her arm: "Kumbaya my lord."

Lori, banging pots and pans together in Kara & Lena's bedroom after hearing them have sex for three hours straight: "I didn't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me!"

Lori: "Sleep? I don't know about sleep... it's summertime."
Lena: "You ain't go to bed?"
Lori: "Oh, she caught me."

Kara: "Daddy?"
Lena: "Do I look like-?"
Kara: "Very much so."

Kelly: "Two shots of vodka can be good for your health if you don't drink it."
Lena, four shots down: "What'd you say?"

Mon-El: "Deez nuts, ha got em!"
Kara: "I am allergic to them!"

Jess, to Kara: "Wait a minute, who are you? Are you an alien?"

Lori, to Lena: "I am gonna get in trouble if I keep talking."

Lena, to literally every bad guy: "I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me!"

Nia: "I'm telling you, man, you gotta stop letting people walk all over you..."
Kara, who's laying on the ground pretending to be a doormat: "OKAY."

Nia, filming Winn and Mon-El in the hot tub: "Two guys, chillin' in a hot tub, 5 feet apart 'Cause they're not gay."

Kara: "I have 65 cents."
Lena: "You know what that means."
Kara, crying: "I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets."

Lena, to Lilian: "You're not my mom, ugly looking noodlehead."

Lena: "There's only one race... the human race."
Nia: "What about Nascar?!"

Kelly, watching James walk in: "Well, well, well... look what finally decided to show up... a cowboy baby."

Mon-El: "Oh Hi! Thanks for checking in - I'm still a piece of garbage."

Marcus: "I am 19 and I never said I'm weird, I'm just limited edition."

Lori, singing to Alex: "I'm gonna be just like you-"
Alex: "No, no, no. You're parents are gonna kill me."

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