Dress Up

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Lorelei came running out of Kara and Lena's room, tripping on the grey sweatshirt she was wearing. She got back up and continued to run to Lena, who was sitting on the couch having a glass of red wine with Alex, Sam, Kelly and Kara.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look, I'm you!" Lori pulled Lena's attention to her.
"That's adorable." Sam gushed, "You should get into mommy's makeu-"
"Don't encourage her, she's already tried to wear Kara's old suit." Lena shook her head.
"Mommy! I wanna be smart, just like you." Lori climbed on to the couch, cuddling into Lena.
"What about your mama? Do you want to be like her?" Alex asked.
"Nope! She's Supergirl, and Supergirl is lame. I wanna be like Batwoman! And like my mommy. They don't need powers to save the world!" Lorelei answered.
Lorelei crawled on to Lena's lap and placed her cold hands on Lena's warm cheeks.
"Lori, baby, your hands are freezing." Lena shivered.
Lorelei giggled, "I know, I was playing with ice. You're so warm mommy."
Alex glanced over, "You know, you have powers Lori."
"Mama told me, but I don't want them. I want to be smart, like mommy. Then I can work in the lab with her and do experiments and work at L-Corp!"
"Then you better head to be-" Lena stopped talking when she glanced down to see Lori fast asleep against her chest.
"Hey! Your boobs are for me to lay on!" Kara got jealous.
"Kara, she's four. She doesn't think of boobs in the same way that you do. Let the girl sleep. It means that we will have a peaceful night." Lena yawned.

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