Marvel X DC pt 5

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"Lorelei, Kara, Alex, please do not eat a whole cake each." Kelly begged.
"You know what the best part of no Lena is?" Kara asked.
"What is it?"
"No one to tell us not to eat the cakes!" Kara smiled happily at her daughter.
"I just told you not to!"
"Yeah, but you're not scary like ma is. She's freaking scary dude." Lorelei looked Kelly in the eyes as she started to shovel cake into her mouth.
"Oh my god, please tell me that isn't the Danvers-Luthors eating Lena's cakes." Nat pointed at them.
"Every Danvers except Car-" Kelly looked to see Carol join them, "Never mind."
"I've never been so confused in my life. I am both disgusted and turned on by Carol shovelling cake into her mouth." Nat thought aloud.
"Sometimes I wish Strange never sent us here." Darcy mimicked Wanda's grossed-out expression.

~ At Morgana's ~

Lena sat up quickly, "Oh no. My Kara's doing something stupid senses are tingling."
"That means you need more wine." Morgana topped up her glass.
"You're right. I'm sure Kelly has it under control."

~ At Kara's and Lena's house ~

"No! That was no permission to start throwing cake at people!" Kelly yelled at the group of superheroes throwing cake around the place.
Kara and Lorelei stopped and looked at the carpet.
"No one can get cake on Lena's carpet! If you do, I will yeet you into the sun!" Kara threatened.
" just dropped your cake on the carpet." Alex pointed out.
Kara looked at Nia sadly, "You we're always my favourite child."
"What the fuck mom?!" Lorelei yelled.
"What? You cuss, Nia doesn't."
"Nia ate your last potsticker!" Lore argued.
"You did what?!" Kara looked at Nia angrily.
"In my defence, Lena said I could have it."
"Alright, I'm going into the sun." Kara started to fly.
"Oooo, can I go too Nat? Can I? Can I?" Carol asked.
"No! You cannot fly into the sun." Nat answered.
Carol turned to Kara, "Sorry Kara, I tried."
"It's okay Carol, next time."
Nat leaned over to Kelly, "She's indestructible...right?"
"Fortunately." Kelly rolled her eyes.
"Do we stop her?"
"She's going to go no matter what you try to do. Lena's the only person she listens to." Alex cut in.
"Can't you control people?" Nat asked Wanda.
"Yeah, but I kinda wanna see how this plays out." Wanda said, eating a few pieces of popcorn.
"I love it here." Darcy said, "I kinda wanna stay longer."

"So everyone, who was a baby, is just magically in their teens now?" J'onn asked.
"Yes sir." Brainy nodded.
"It seems Miss Writer Lady is getting lazy and tired of the plot."
"Yes, but they're her most popular chapters. So she continues them. Also, it gives her an excuse to write with Marvel characters." Brainy explained.
"And she's writing us outside the actual plot because?"
"She's already added too many characters, which means you're now just a side character. You could always go full baby mode." Brainy pointed out.
"Fuck no."

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