I See Red pt 2

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"What happened?" Kara asked as she woke up.
"Lorelei infected you with red Kryptonite. Then gave a speech about some crap. Then she told a lawyer to such a dick." Alex brought her up to speed.
"Sometimes I hate how she's like Lena." Kara took in a deep breath.
"Kara, because of her your identity is safe. Her being like Lena is a good thing. Also, you're not going to prison, so that's a plus." Alex smiled softly, "She's a great kid."
"She really is. I did good with her."
"We. We did good." Lena smiled, walking into the room. She sat on the side of the bed and held Kara's hand.
"Where is she?" Kara looked around.
"School. She had a science exam." Lena looked down at Kara, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine. Just a little tired." Kara looked away, "I'm so sorry Lena. I know this isn't what you signed up for when you married me."
"Kara, when I married you, I signed up for everything that is you. From paying for our child's bail, to fearing the worst." Lena made Kara face her, "I signed up for the fights, the sleepless nights, the hospital trips, the trips to the courthouse. I signed up for it all. Plus, you burnt our marriage certificate so I couldn't return you."
Kara chuckled, "Sorry about that."
"Kara, I love you. Even if that means that I have to buy a lot more therapy whiskey than I used to, even if you spend all my millions on potstickers, even if our child is a bit of a delinquent. I love you, all of that stuff included." Lena kisses Kara on the forehead. "Now get some rest, Lorelei will be here in the this afternoon. I'll be back with her."
"I love you Lena." Kara tried to sit up for a kiss, but Lena stopped her.
"You have to rest. But I love you too." Lena kissed her softly.

Lena left the room and was immediately called to the school. She saw Lorelei sitting in the office.
"What did you do?" Lena asked her as she sat next to her.
"I don't remember. I blacked out and when I came to I had blood on my shirt and I was bleeding." Lorelei finally teared, "I don't remember ma, why don't I remember?"
Lena's eyes scanned the room for a possible answer, but she couldn't excuse what happened.
"I'm going to talk to the principal. You sit here and try to remember something, okay?" Lena gave her a side hug then went into the office.

~An Hour Later~

"Mrs Luthor, our top priority is the safety of our students. She's lucky we didn't call the police. She left a student severely injured and we cannot excuse her behaviour." The principal said, "Lorelei will be suspended until a decision can be made."
"What?! But she was clearly protecting another student in that video." Lena argued.
"Mrs Luthor, this is not up for debate." The principal shook her head, "Defence or not, Lorelei still-"
"So you're telling me that if someone attacked your child, you wouldn't want someone to defend them?"
"That's not-"
"What are you teaching these kids? Just to sit back and take the punches? That no one will ever have the balls to defend them? I agree with the suspension. But that kid threw the first punch, it's not Lori's fault that he try to punch a Kryptonian." Lena stated her case and stood up, "So if Lori gets suspended, so does he."
"That's not how it works Mrs Luthor."
"Make it work like that otherwise you will be seeing Lorelei tomorrow. And she will be going to class." Lena walked out of the room and looked at Lorelei, "Come on, we're going."
"I just have to check on Jackie first." Lorelei sped to the room where Jackie was, looking at her broken nose.
"I'm good Lore, thanks for stepping in." Jackie smiled.
"Are you sure?" Lorelei asked.
"Yes, now go before you get in trouble." Jackie ushered her out.
Lorelei ran back to Lena, "Alright, let's go."

A silence fell over them as Lena began to drive Lorelei home.
"Are we going to talk or?" Lorelei looked towards her mother, who's silence spoke volumes. "Alright. I'll take that as a no."
"Hope, call Alex." Lena kept her eyes on the road.
"You're sending new to Aunt Alex's?! Ma please!" Lorelei looked at her.
"Hey Lena, I heard about Lorelei."
"I saw the footage of the fight. Remember the studies we did on red Kryptonite and how it's not supposed to affect Lori?" Lena asked, knowing Lorelei can hear.
"Yeah, why is that relevant?"
"I'm not sure, but Lore's veins are glowing red in the tape. Seconds before she loses control." Lena glanced for Lorelei.
"That would explain the memory loss." Lorelei piped up.
"Bring Lorelei to the lab, I have a feeling there's something going on at that school."
"We're already on our way." Lena turned the car around.
"I'll see you guys soon." Alex hung up.

~Ten Minutes Later~

"The necklace was a gift from a parent?" Alex asked Lorelei.
"Yeah, apparently they were giving them to most of the parents." Lorelei answered while sitting on a metal table.
"What is the lethal dose of red Kryptonite?" Alex questioned Lena.
"I've never heard of a Kryptonian ingesting red Kryptonite and dying from it. According to Clark, it's harmless aside from the obvious." Lena explained.
"We had a lunch today." Lorelei spoke up, "The kid who I hit...their family bought lunch for everyone. There were drinks there, I had a cup in my hand seconds before my veins turn red and before I blacked out."
"I have a feeling that someone is trying to experiment with doses of red Kryptonite." Alex looked towards Lena.
"The prosecution lawyer knew who I was." Lorelei started to put the pieces together, "Ma, that kid I punched...is the lawyer's son."

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