Me Or Her

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"Welcome to the weirdest family gathering ever!" Lori smiled at everyone. "Uncle Lex, thank you for making a truce for the time being. Lillian, good to see you. Nana, hi."
"Hi? Lillian gets a good to see you and I just get a hi?" Eliza asked.
"Yep! Cass said we have to be amicable today. I don't know what that means, but I assume it meant friendly." Lori explained.
"Fine." Eliza looked to Lillian, "I still don't know why you're the favourite grandparent."
"I mean, between you and I, I'm more fun." Lillian sassed.
"Why you little-"
"Lovely grandparents of mine!" Lori pulled their attention to her, "Please, shut up."
"I googled that word Lori." Nia rushed over. "It's characterised by friendliness and absence of discord." Nia showed her the phone.
"Isn't Discord an app?" Lori Asked.
"Oh my god, our granddaughter is a dumbass." Eliza facepalmed.
"I thought Lena would've given me a smart grandchild." Lillian matched Eliza's reaction.

Cass joined Brainy, Lena and Kelly at a table.
"You too, huh?" Kelly gestured to Lori.
"Look, I love Lori. But she's so fucking stupid." Cass shook her head.
"Why are we; strong, intelligent, attractive, independent, responsible people, all attracted to dumbasses?" Lena sighed.
"You just called your own daughter a dumbass." Brainy pointed out.
"If the shoe fits." Casa shrugged.

Marcus spotted a redhead from across the room. He walked over to her, "Hey-"
Carol slid and wrapped her arm around Nat, "Hey yourself."
"I was going to ask why you guys were here. I don't recognise you."
"That's because you didn't exist when Miss Writer Lady wrote our chapters." Nat pointed out.
"That's true. So what are your names?" He asked.
"I'm Carol Danvers, and this is my girlfriend. Natasha Romanoff. The chick in glasses hugging Lori is Darcy Lewis. She's a geek. And the other redhead-" Carol scanned the room, "Isn't here?"
"She didn't want to come. Something about her departure being awkward." Natasha informed her.
"No Wanda? But she was going to spike the punch." Carol frowned.

"I love what you've done with the place Kara." Lois complimented.
"Lois!" Kara smiled happily, "I didn't know Lori invited you guys."
"You think she'd invite Lex and not us?" Clark asked.
"Honestly? Yes." Kara admitted, "She has this weird obsession with being a Luthor."
"We've noticed." Lois and Clark jinxed.

"Sara, remember to be on your best behaviour." Ava said.
"Babe, I'm always on my best behaviour." Sara replied, "Now where's the champagne?"
Ava smiled small at her, "Sara."
"I was kidding. I prefer beer."
"Do you think I can just, greet them and leave?" Zari asked.
"Why? Because Lori slept with you than got herself a girlfriend?" Mick questioned.
"You slept with Lorelei?" Charlie asked, "So did I."
"Okay, just how many people has Lori slept with?" Sara looked between them.
"I would've be surprised if she's slept with most of National City. Past, present and future." Constantine added his two sense.
"Alright, we are wayyy off topic." Ava looked at them all, "Remember, we are here to support Lorelei. And that means, whether you've slept with her or not, you will behave."
"Yes Ava." They all jinxed.
"I love when you're like that." Sara smiled at her.
"Yes ma'am." Sara answered.

"Hey Nat, hey Carol." Lori greeted them.
"Hey Lore, congrats on getting in." Carol congratulated her. "We got you a present, but I forgot it. So we got you money."
"You guys didn't have to-"
"Yes we did." Nat cut her off.
"Where's Wanda?" Lori asked sadly, "She said she'd come."
"I don't know. She was with us one second, then said it would be awkward and backed out." Nat explained.
"Oh my god." Charlie walked over upon hearing their conversation, "Did you sleep with this Wanda person?"
"No, I-"
"Oh my god, that would explain so much." Carol looked at Lori.
"You slept with Wanda?" Lena asked.
Despite everyone talking, Lorelei couldn't hear a thing. She just kept looking at Cass, who couldn't believe what she was hearing. Lori pulled herself away from the group and rushed over.
"Did you?" Cass asked, holding back her tears.
"No, I didn't. I swear." Lori swore, "I wouldn't do that to you."
"But you love her, don't you?"
"Answer me!" Cass snapped, letting her tears falling.
"I-" Cass got sick of waiting and wrapped her lasso around Lori's wrist. Lori tried to keep her mouth shut.
"Are you in love with Wanda? Tell me now, 'cause I'm not going to stick around if you're going to be in love with someone else." Vas's told her.
Lori pulled the lasso off her wrist, "I love you." Lori said, "So much. But I couldn't help but love her to-"
"Me or her? 'Cause you can't have both."

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