Let Him.

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"Lena, you have to stop locking Mon-El outside." Kara sighed.
"My house. My rules."
"Technically it's our house. And he'll starve out there!" Kara gestured out the window.
"Let him."
"Lena, he'll freeze to death." Kara argued.
"Okay fine. I'll give him a newspaper."
"What if he needs to use the bathroom?" Kara asked, crossing her arms.
"The neighbours have bushes." Lena shrugged.
"What if he-"
"Whatever question you're about to ask, remember who you're talking to and that I will make you join him if you keep arguing." Lena crossed her legs.
"Lena I'm sorry we can't be on the same team, but it's games night!" Kara looked around at everyone.
"And the game is 'how long will it take for Mon-El to realise the door isn't actually locked.'" Lena crossed her arms.
"He'll be out there all night!" Kara complained, "And he's my partner for this gaaame."

"Twenty bucks says Kara gives in." Kelly bet Alex.
"Twenty bucks says Kara's sleeping on the couch tonight." Alex replied.
"Fifty says that they kick us out early and Kara gives Lena her super-strap." Sam interrupted.
"One question, how is Mon-El back?" J'onn asked.
"Lena thinks he's disgusting and it's funny. So we called him." Alex shrugged.

"Lena he could get stabbed!"
"Kara, the only person on this planet who would willingly stab Mon-El is me. And maybe Alex if they were left alone together for five seconds."
"I second that." Alex raised her glass to Lena's statement.
"Let him in."
Lena pulled out her phone and played a snippet of a song.
"I say let it die/Let it die/Let it die/Let it shrivel up and come on, who's with me?"
Everyone raised their hands, resulting in a heavy sigh from Kara.
"Fine. Leave him out there."

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