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Lena walked inside of Alex's apartment, "Hey, Alex...why is Kara flying around town screaming bubbles?"
Alex shrugged, "I'm sure it's some kind of bet her and Nia have."
Kelly looked down at the beer in Alex's hands, "Alex. No."
"Alex, yes." Alex replied.
"Alex, you know she'll knock you out with the shield." Lena shrugged, sitting beside Kelly on the couch.

"BUBBLES!" Kara yelled as she walked through the door of Alex's apartment. The crinkle in her forehead and lowered eyebrows made her seem like she was angry.
Nia ran in after her, "Now before you get mad, this wasn't my fault." Nia defended, giving Alex an awkward smile. She caught sight of Lena, "Oh no, Lena's here. I'm just going to go." Nia tried to run to the door, but before she could, in walked J'on.
"Why is everyone coming to me? None of this is a me problem. It's a Kelly problem." Alex pointed at Kelly.
"Hold on, no it's not. Whatever happens to Kara is a Lena problem." Kelly then gestured to Lena.
"Why is she my problem? We're not together." Lena crosses her arms.
"Oh honey." Nia said.
"What? It's not like she loves me." Lena rolled her eyes.
"Oh honey." Nia repeated.
"BUBBLES!" Kara yelled.
"Oh honey." Nia shook her head. "Here is a ten page article on why you two should be together. Pages one to five are about how everyone else knows you love each other."
"We d-"
"Pages six to ten are your wedding plans. You're welcome." Nia continued, ignoring whatever Lena was about to say.

"BUBBLES!" Kara's expression softened as she looked towards Lena.
"Are we just going to ignore Kara?" J'on asked.
"That's what I usually do." Alex muttered, taking a sip of her beer.
"BUBBLES?!" Kara gestured to Alex's beer.
"You should be used to Alex "drinking again" by now." Kelly pointed out.
"Can we fix Kara?" The Luthor looked like she was growing increasingly annoyed by the word "bubbles."
"I was kinda hoping we could leave this for a while. It's funny." Nia said shyly.
Lena looked at Nia, "Of course, anything for my chi-Nia...anything for Nia."
"Nia is Lena and Kara's kid." Alex whispered to J'on.
"No, Nia and Kara are Lena's kids. Good luck, Lena." J'on said, walking out.
"Yeah, I'm going to go stay at the DEO...I've got some important business to attend too, you got this yeah?" Alex said, already walking out the door.
"I'm going to go with Alex, I'm sure she could use a hand." Kelly said, following Alex out of the door.
"And I'm going to go stay at Brainy's." Nia said, running out the door.

The door closed and Lena and Kara were all alone.
"Did it work?" Kara raised an eyebrow at Lena.
"I think it did. Now, about you being in love with me."
Kara went bright red as she lowered her head. "It's true."
"Cool, so now you get to choose."
"Between?" Kara asked.
"Kissing me or the plate of potstickers on the bench." Lena stood up and started walking towards the door.
"Super speed, Miss Luthor, I can do both."

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