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"I have a problem." Lorelei blurted out in front of everyone.
"What is it?" Sara asked.
"I don't know how to flirt." Lorelei admitted.
Alex roller her eyes, "You get that from Kara."
"Hey! I'm great at flirting!" Kara defended herself.
"Kara, I love you, but offering to eat my potsticker is not a good pickup line." Lena sipped her wine.
"Oh and I bought Catco is?" Kara argued.
Kelly's eyes widened, "Rightttt, don't take either of your mothers' advice."
"Then what do I say?" Lorelei looked between everyone.
"Hey baby, do you have a sister?" Alex asked Kelly.
"No." Kelly replied.
"Oh well, looks like I'm gonna have to settle for you."
"Please don't listen to your aunt." Wanda rolled her eyes.
"Hey baby, you're like calcium bicarbonate... when I get you wet, your reaction will be explosive."
Lorelei choked on her water after hearing what Lena said.
"2, 4, 6, 8, you're the one I wanna impregnate." Winn said.
"Roses are red, ice cream is cold. Get fucking naked and do as you're told." Darcy cut in.
"Hey, did you sit in sugar? 'Cause you have a pretty sweet ass." Kara said to Lena.
"Kara! Not now!" Alex hit her on the head with a rolled up newspaper.
"They say that kissing is a language of love, so would you mind starting a conversation with me?" Lena replied to Kara.
Alex butt in, looking at Kelly, "I'm on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?"
"Is your name winter? Because you'll be coming soon."
"Roses are red. Violets are fine. You're a ten, and you can come for mine."
"No Carol! It's roses are red. Violets are blue. I'll be coming with you." Natasha corrected her.
"That's a nice shirt. Can I try it on after we have sex?" Sara said aloud.
Ava looked at her, "I'm peanut butter. You're jelly. Let's have sex."
"You know, if I were you, I'd have sex with me." Darcy said bluntly.
Same took a sip of her wine, "I may not go down in history, but I will go down on you."
"Wanna go halves in a baby with me?" Wanda asked Lorelei.
"Hey, wanna fuck?" Mon-El asked the air.
NEED TO SPEAK?!" Lena yelled at Mon-El.
"Grab something you love!" Kara yelled, then grabbed Lena's boobs.
"Okay so none of you are any help. I'm going to go talk to literally anyone else in this city." Lorelei stood up and walked to the door.
"Alternatively, just be yourself." Wanda pulled everyone from their laughter, "If you like someone...just pull them towards you and ask if you can kiss them."
"That's not me."
"Fine, then have a panic attack and call them the most beautiful person you've ever seen. Just be you, panic and all." Wanda smiled at her.
"I kinda ship it." Alex mumbled.
"Yeah, but Miss Writer Lady would never let it happen. Because she's a bitch." J'onn said.

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