Marvel X DC pt 8

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Lorelei listened to Morgana and Lena from her spot outside.
"We have company." Morgana smiled at Lena, "You really brought your daughter here? To me?"
"No, no, Morgana, I didn't-" Lena started to pull against the chains that bound her hands together.
"Do you take me for a fool?!" Morgana slapped Lena.
"N-no." Lena replied, "Why do you never do as I say?" She mumbled, knowing Lori could hear her.
Morgana grabbed Lena by the throat and threw her off the chair, "It's a shame I have to kill you, you would've made a great ally."
Lena looked towards her ancestor, grinning at her. Blood pooled in her mouth as she tried her best to whisper to her daughter, "Leave. Please." Lena spat the blood towards Morgana, "You wouldn't be the first to try."
Morgana's eyes changed colour as Lena's skin began to heat. Lena tried to muffle her scream, but Kara had heard.
Kara crashed through the roof and Lorelei kicked through the warehouse doors.
"Didn't count on us coming, did you?" Kara asked Morgana.
"Oh no, I did." Morgana unsheathed her sword, the edge of the sword glowed green.
"Why do the bad guys always have Kryptonite?" Lorelei glared at Morgana.
"Thank your mother." Morgana grinned.
"Lorelei, get Lena out of here. I can handle Morgana." Kara ordered.
"But mom-" Lorelei tried to argue.
"Go!" Kara kept her eyes on Morgana, "You're a fool to face me alone."
"But I'm not alone. Meet my newest friend, Darkseid." Morgana gestured to the figure in the doorway behind her.
Lorelei, who was helping Lena to her feet, froze when she saw him. Kara's heart skipped a beat as her eyes met his.
"Get Lena out of here!" Kara demanded, "Now!"
Lorelei nodded as she picked up Lena and ran as fast as she could.

Kara was being thrown around by Darkseid. She stood to her feet and, due to her growing anger, lost control and tried to kill him with her laser eyes. However, he moved and managed to knock Kara to the ground. He kept his foot on her neck as she struggled for air.
Kara could see his Omega beam coming towards her face. She gripped her eyes shut, knowing it would be her last moment.
Her eyes opened to find Natasha and Carol fighting the army Morgana had raised with her magic. Wanda's red magic was fighting the Omega beam. Wanda's magic inevitably pushed Darkseid off Kara and through one of the walls.
"Are you okay?" Wanda helped Kara up.
"I'm fine thanks to you." Kara managed to smile at the Scarlet Witch.
"Go help Nat and Carol, I can take Darkseid."
"Are you sure?" Kara questioned.
"Kara, I just managed to protect you from something that should've killed all of us. Help Nat and Carol. I can handle him." Wanda repeated herself.
Kara nodded and rushed towards Nat, who was busy meeting the enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Darkseid moved towards Wanda, who started to throw balls of magic towards him, ultimately switching to hexes. When he grabbed her, Lorelei appeared behind him, using her heat vision to try to get him to look at her.
He turned towards Lorelei and threw Wanda, resulting in Lorelei rushing to catch her. Lori placed her on the ground gently and turned to face him. Her knuckles turning white from how tight of a fist she was making.
"If your mother couldn't beat me, neither can you." He said, scoffing at the very idea of Lorelei landing a punch.
"That doesn't mean I can't try." Lorelei started running towards him and tried to punch him. He grabbed her fist, then her other as she tried to punch him again. She saw his eyes lighting up and broke free, punching him in the jaw. Which was enough to distract him.
She hoped that Wanda would wake up and help her take him out.
Lori fell to the ground as she felt her brain beginning to fry. She cried for Wanda who woke up and sent Darkseid flying through a wall again. Lorelei struggled to her feet as she once again rushed towards the redhead.
"Wanda, you're-"
"Listen to me carefully. You can win this, you have to win this." Wanda was barely able to speak. She saw Darkseid returning and pushed Lori out of the way so his Omega beam would hit Wanda instead. Lori watched as Wanda turned to dust, gently grabbing a small handful.
"" Tears filled her eyes as she turned to see Morgana and Darkseid begin to slowly demolish the team of heroes who stood with Lori.

Despite putting up a good fight, Morgana used her magic to throw Natasha at Carol, then sent the sword flying towards them.
"Natasha! Carol!" Lorelei exclaimed in horror as she watched the sword fly through Natasha's and Carol's chests. The sword returned to Morgana's hand just in time for her to hold it out in front of her. Kara has ran straight into the blade. Blood pooled in her mouth as she stared at the blade. Her eyes met Morgana's, "Lori...go." Kara's last words left her body, as well as the remaining pieces of her soul.
"Mom!" Lorelei's eyes filled with tears as she watched Morgana pull the blade from her mother's chest.
Darkseid had Brainy in a chokehold. And Morgana had Nia at the end of her blade. Dreamer fell to the ground with one swing of Morgana's blade. Brainy's face turned blue as his throat collapsed in Darkseid's grip.
"You can't win this, Lorelei. Join us." Morgana glanced at Lorelei.
"Never. I would rather die." Lorelei wiped her tears and tried not to focus on the bodies on the ground.
"That can be arranged." Morgana turned to Darkseid, "Go take out the other heroes. I can handle her."
Darkseid nodded and made her way out the holes in the wall.

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