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"Hey Kara, we need more diapers for Lorelei." Lena grabbed her credit card, "Go get some."
"Why do I have to go? I want to spend time with Lorelei." Kara whined.
"You're still making up for I flew here on a bus." Lena handed her the card, "If I have to change them, you have to buy them."
"But every time I do, Alex makes fun of me and says the diapers are actually for me." Kara pouted.
"That's because you and Nia both tried on the diapers! And, when you got stuck, Alex and I had to cut you both out of them! I still talk to Kelly about that." Lena argued, "Go. Get. The. Diapers."
"Okay fine." Kara sighed in defeat. She left the apartment and Lena and Lorelei were left alone together.
Lorelei started making the typical happy baby noises as she chewed on the water-filled teething ring Alex had bought her.
Lena gently lifted Lorelei out of the cot and cradled her in her arms. She took Lorelei to the lab, placing her in her high chair. Lori slumped over as she messily ate the sloppy food Lena had placed in front of her.
"Mrs Luthor, the DNA is ready for compa-"
Hope was cut off by Jess picking Hope up and throwing her in the trash. Lorelei giggled and clapped cheerfully as she watched.
"Jess, get Hope out of the bin." Lena shook her head.
"Fineee." Jess pulled Hope out and placed her on the table beside Lori's high chair.
Lori looked at Hope and titled her head. Once Jess and Lena looked away, Lori purposely pushed Hope on to the ground and giggled.
"Little shit!" Hope exclaimed as she turned red.
"See what you taught her?" Lena gestured, picking Hope up off the ground. She looked at Lori, "Lorelei, you can't do that."
Jess looked incredibly proud of Lori, "I taught her so well."
Lori looked passed Lena and smiled happily at Kara, who was walking in with three bags, "Ma...ma...ma...da!"
Lena farrowed her eyebrows, "Oh no, no, no, no. You better not be saying her name first."
Lori looked to Lena, "Yummy!"
Lena looked towards Kara, who was busy chucking.
"Now we have to tell everyone that her first word was yummy."
"She is so much like you that it makes me physically hurt." Lena joked.

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