In Marvel's World (Because I Will Never Let Anyone Be Happy)

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"Russia has my girlfriend?!" Wanda questioned, "Why would you give Lorelei to them?"
"I didn't. I was trying to take her home and they-"
Wanda cut Nat off, her eyes glowing red, "If they hurt her I will make them suffer!"
"Wanda. This isn't the way to do this." Nat argued, "We can't let our emotions get the better of us."
"Why not?! You do! One person touches your baby sister and you go full Black Widow mode." Wanda pointed out, "So don't try to stop me from saving her."
"You will die." Nat told her, "At least let me go with you."
"Fine. But hurry up." Wanda walked out of the building.

Meanwhile, Lorelei's veins glowed green as they experimented on her. She was in too much pain to fight, too tired to screams. She couldn't understand anything they were saying. But she assumed they had figured out it was her weakness. She kept wondering how they had Kryptonite. Then she remembered how she came through the portal.
"It was in my back." She remembered. "They would've been able to test it and replicate the chemical composition once they had melted it down. They made more liquid Kryptonite." Lori thought to herself. She tried to move, but her body was frozen with pain. She tried to scream, but her mouth wouldn't open. All she could do was bite down on the strap between her teeth.
"Her girlfriend is going to come and kill you all." Yelena said from the table beside Lori as they drew on her forehead.
A muffled, "Yelena," escaped Lori's mouth.
"Yeah Lorelei." Yelena glanced over.
"Shut up. Please." Lori managed to say, still muffled from the strap.
"What? I was just saying. Wanda is going to kill them all." Yelena scoffed, "But fine. I guess if we're going to die, I'll let you die in silence." Yelena looked around the room as Lori struggled. "Sooo can you kill her first?" Yelena requested, "Because if Natasha finds out I'm with her, she'll pull a last minute rescue. And I want to be alive for that."
Lori lifted her hand up slightly and flipped Yelena off with a very muffled, "Fuck you."
Yelena glanced over as she heard "Kill the annoying one first." In Russian.
"Lori, they're going to kill you first thank god." She said as the doctors walked in their direction. But at the last second they turned to her, "Oh fuck you guys. I'm not the annoying one."
"Yeah you are." Lori replied.
"Lori," Yelena watched as the blade came towards her face, "Now would be a good time to do that hero thing you always do where you fight the pain of the Kryptonite and break us out of here."
Lori turned to her, her eyes lighting up. she used her heat vision to cut Yelena's straps. Yelena then pulled the knife from the doctor's hand and began to fight off the enemies. Lori began to faint from the pain in her body.

Yelena watched as the door was blown off its hinges.
"Lori!" Wanda yelled as she rushed towards her.
"Natasha?" Yelena questioned, "You're here too?"
"Wanda would've exploded if I didn't come too." Nat told her.
"Well thanks for coming." Yelena looked at the bag Natasha had, "Did you bring my vest?"
"Yep. Even stashed a few things in the pockets for you."
"Witnessing the family reunion is great and everything, but can you please hurry it up." Lori interrupted their moment, "You need to get changed and humans take a while to do so."
"Shut up. My suit has like one zip." Yelena replied.

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