Me or Her pt 2

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Cassie stood, waiting for Lori's answer. But Lori stayed quiet.
"Me or her, Lori." Cassie repeated.
"Choose her." Wanda's form appeared from the portal.
"You love her Lori." Wanda sighed, "I listened to what you said. But you're not my home. You can't ask me to stay. And I know, deep down, that I'd take you with me if there was a way. You can't bet on me coming back. You can't fix the lonely nights. Because if you choose me, you'd have so many more. I can't fill the emptiness." Wanda had tears in her eyes, "And I am so sorry for what I'm about to do to you."
"To all of you." Wanda looked around, "But you can't remember me."
"I'm so so sorry." Wanda let a tear fall as her hands started to glow red.
"Wands, no." Lorelei grabbed Wanda gently, cupping her cheek with one hand.
"I'm sorry." Wanda repeated, everyone's eyes turning red as the glow flowed around everyone.
"I would've chosen you." Lorelei kissed her.
But was soon forgetting everything about Wanda.

Wanda erased it all. The first time they met and Wanda had to save Lori. The therapy appointments. Lori seeing Wanda take care of the toddlers that came through the portal. All of the Superfriends watching WandaVision together. The times Wanda and Lori had to share a bed. That one time Lori walked in on Wanda changing. The simple breakfasts and dinners they'd eat together. Everything was gone. Everything. Including Lori's kiss.

The red glow faded along with Wanda, as she disappeared through the portal.
In the Marvel world, Wanda would find herself collapsing to the ground. She screamed and cried. The only people who'd ever know about everything her and Lori did together, was her, Nat and Carol. Carol and Nat would try their best to consolidate Wanda. But all their attempts would fall short.

As for Lori, Lori and Cassie would be happy together.
"Do you ever feel like you've forgotten an important thing in your life?" Lori asked Cassie.
"That's the thing. It's like this hole. I don't know what I'm supposed to have forgotten." Lori sighed, "Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I'll talk to Kelly about it tomorrow."
"I can't believe Kelly left early." Cassie shook her head.
"She had an emergency." Lori looked towards Cassie, "And both of us should be understanding of emergencies by now."

Meanwhile, Kelly was finishing up the emergency session in her office. She was looking through the files when she noticed Wanda's was blank.
"What has Wanda done now?" She asked herself, looking at the blank file. The only writing in the file was what Wanda said directly to her. "If she makes another series, I swear to god."

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