Alex and Kara Back In Diapers...

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"Kara, we're on a very important mission." Alex grabbed Kara and forced her to walk away from the suspiciously placed plate of potstickers.

"But Alex!!! Potstickers!!!" Kara complained, shaking her sister.

"Kara, they are literally the most suspicious thing ever. They are conveniently left in the middle of an empty warehouse. No!"

"But food..."


Before Alex could stop her a second time, Kara used her super speed to rush over to the plate, eating most of the potstickers.

"Do you want one? Yes or no?" Kara asked, looking as happy as anything.

Alex looked around the room, "I guess one couldn't hurt."


"And you're telling me, you think suspicious potstickers turned you both into toddlers?" J'onn asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"If wou down't stowp waughing, I'm gowing to kick wour ash." Alex tried to say as threateningly as possible. She glared at the agents.

"She's so adorable!" Nia squealed.

"Hey, J'onn have you seen-" Lena suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, "Oh no."

Kara turned around and immediately ran over to Lena, "Wena! Wou came! I wanted to tell wou I wove you."

"You're adorable and I hate you for it." Lena crossed her arms.

"Wena, up! Pick me up!" Kara yelled, getting frustrated by Lena's unwillingness to pick her up.

"Kara, you are eighty something years old. You don't need to be picked up." Lena argued.

Kara started to cry, meanwhile Alex was being cuddled by J'onn.

Lena panicked and quickly picked up Kara, "Hey,'s okay. I'm sorry."

"Wou're warm."

Lena looked towards J'onn, "I wanted adult Kara, not toddler'd this even hap-"

"Fwee food!" Alex yelled angrily.

"Oh no." Kara's face went bright red.

"Kawa, what's wrong?" Alex asked, concerned for her sister.

"I fink I just-"

"Kara that's gross!" Lena yelled, immediately handing her to Brainy.

"What am I supposed to do?" Brainy asked, looking at J'onn for advice.

"You have to...change her." Lena was obviously grossed out.

"Does anyone get the sense that Kara is enjoying this a bit too much?" Nia asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alex wriggled out of J'onn's arms and started to run around the DEO headquarters. She ran to the guns.

Her eyes went wide with excitement, "Woahhh guns."

"No Alex. No." J'onn said, trying to at least keep Alex under control.

"Wou can't stowp mwe." Alex giggled, trying to grab hold of a gun. It was too heavy for her, so she looked to J'onn with sad eyes, "Guns..."

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