Jailed Again pt 2

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Kelly and Lena sat in Lena's office, Maggie stood in front of them.
"Can one of you please explain to me why Supergirl burnt down a potsticker factory?" Maggie asked.
"We left the idiots alone together." Lena sighed.
"In our defence, they are grown women who should know better by now." Kelly defended.
"Yes well, they obviously don't. Because Supergirl is handled by the DEO, I'll let this slide. But she can't keep breaking into places and lighting things on fire." Maggie shifted heavily, "I swear, your idiots make my job so difficult."
"One of them used to be your idiot. So you can't get all pissy." Lena said, sipping her tea.
"Really? You say that to someone who has more dirt on you than anyone."
"Really? You're threatening someone who has Supergirl pussy-whipped?" Lena replied.
"I will put Supergirl in prison if she acts up again."
"If you touch my girlfriend," Lena said through gritted teeth, standing to her feet, "You won't live long enough to regret it."
"Don't try me Miss Luthor." Maggie got in Lena's face.
"Don't try me Detective."

~ Twenty Minutes Later ~

Kelly and Lena were in the car on their way to pick up their idiots.
"Who does she think she is? Just because she dated Alex, doesn't mean she can interfere with our shit." Lena ranted.
"She dated Alex?" Kelly asked.
"Yeah, they even got engaged." Lena blurted out, "Oh. I probably shouldn't have said anything."
"It's okay Lena. Ex's are ex's." Kelly sighed, "Do you think she still-"
"Has feelings for Maggie? I highly doubt it. I mean, sure you always have some kind of love for your first, but it's not what she feels for you." Lena shrugged it off.
"Why'd she get aggressive with you?"
"We have a complicated past. She arrested me and hung around the DEO. She's one of the people who only see me as a Luthor."

~ Ten Minutes Later ~

"Good evening officer, we're here to pick up my idiots." Lena smiled at the officer at the front desk.
"Who are your idiots?" He asked, looking up at her.
"Oh, Miss Luthor. You're finally here. It's good to see you again." Another officer said, "Sorry about him, he's new here. Follow me." The officer guided them to the holding cell where Nia was handing out friendship bracelets. Kara was in the corner talking to a group of jail birds, making them all laugh. And Alex was throwing a ball to one of the other women in the cell.
"What the fuck?" Lena mumbled under her breath.
"Lena!" Nia exclaimed happily, "Look at all the friends I made!" Nia rushed over, pointing at one of the women, "This is my jail mother!"
"Of course you managed to get adopted in prison." Lena rubbed her temples, "Can we please go?"
"Actually...we were kinda hoping we could stay for another five minutes." Kara said shyly.
"Kara Danvers, if you don't get your butt in my car you are in big big trouble."
"Oh no, she used my full name. I'm sorry ladies, we have to go." Kara grabbed Alex and rushed out to the car.
"So you're the one fucking Supergirl?" The woman looked Lena up and down, "Good for her."
"You know Kara is Supergirl?" Lena raised her eyebrows.
"Well yeah, she took her glasses off to cry and everyone realised." The woman shrugged. "Had a feeling through. She's too goody-two-shoes not to be."
"I'm going to kill Kara." Lena sighed and walked out.

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