How Lori Shot Herself

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"Alex, we need you to watch Lori. Kelly's working and we're going out for lunch." Lena handed Lori to Alex.
"No buts. Just let her play with Marcus." Lena glanced to Marcus.
"But they always end up crying, or Lori accidentally hurts him." Alex complained.
"Watch. My. Daughter." Lena said sternly, "Or I'm taking away your allowance for a week."
"Lena! No please! I need that extra money." Alex begged.
"Then watch Lori. And don't let her touch anything that could be dangerous to her. We don't know if she's indestructible or not." Lena glared at her.
"Okay, okay. No guns." Alex shook her head, "I can't believe you'd think that low of me."
"Alex, you got Marcus a gun as a birth present. Just be thankful Kelly took it off him."
"You gotta start them off early, ya know?" Alex shrugged.
"Not twenty minutes into their life." Lena argued.
"Okay, fine. I won't let Lori touch anything."
"Good. I'll see you soon."

Twenty minutes later, Alex had completely lost sight of Marcus and Lori. She ran around the house, praying they were somewhere that didn't have any guns.
"Why do we have so many guns?!" Alex complained as she rushed around to collect them all. "Okay so that's two hundred and ninety-nine." A sudden realisation hit Alex, "WHERE IS MY PERSONAL PISTOL?!"

Marcus and Lori were giggling as the ran outside with the gun. Lori started playing with it, Lori was spinning it around and putting it in her mouth.
Alex saw from outside of the window and ran outside.
"Lori!-" Before Alex could stop Lori, Lori had accidentally fired the gun straight into her mouth.
Lori spat the bullet out and cried at the taste of the gunpowder. Alex rushed over.
"It's yucky!" Lori cried.
"It's not for eating." Alex shook her head. Lori reached for the gun again, facing it towards her and shooting herself in the chest. Lori watched as it bounced off and giggled. "Lori, you are going to get me in trouble." Alex grabbed the gun and the kids. She put the gun in the vault and Alex put the kids in front of the tv.

"Hey Lena, I have good news and I have bad news." Alex said through the phone. "Bad news is, you're going to need to buy a new Batwoman costume for Lori. The good news is, Lori's indestructible." Alex put the phone down as Lena yelled at her through the phone. "Alright kids, what are we watching?"
"Pinky! Pinky!" Lori yelled, resulting in Alex putting on Pinky and the Brain. Which is an old cartoon from the 90's. Lori giggled and watched the mice try to take over the world.
"Oh my god." Alex's eyes widened, "Lex is Brain and Eve was Pinky."

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