Alex Has a Baby Pt 2

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"And this is your home." Kelly told Marcus as she got through the door.
Nia rushed downstairs yelling, "They're home! They're home!" Nia met Kelly at the door.
"Can I hold him? Can I? Can I?"
"I guess so, go sit on the couch and I'll bring him over to you." Kelly replied.
Nia did as Kelly said, and sure enough, Nia was holding Marcus.
"I love him. He's so cute." Nia tried to contain her excitement, out of fear of crushing the small baby.

Alex sat ridiculously close to Nia as she monitored Nia every move.
"Don't hurt my son." Alex said through gritted teeth.
"I'm not going to." Nia glanced over at her.
"Alex, I'm going to go get some rest. I'm exhausted." Kelly kissed Alex, "Take care of him for a few hours."
"I will." Alex nodded.
Kelly yawned then walked off. Mon-El saw the child and walked over, sitting on the ground.
"Can I?-"
"If you touch my son, I will circumcise you." Alex threatened as she pulled scissors from her back pocket.
"Sorry, okay, I won't touch him." Mon-El shuffled back.

Nia gave Marcus back to Alex, who held him close after everyone took turns at holding him.
"He's my baby." Alex shook her head.
"Lena made him, why can't Lena hold him?" Jess questioned.
"Oh no, no, no, no. I don't do kids." Lena shook her head and declined.
"You are the reason he exists." Alex looked at Lena, "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I don't do kids. No thank you." Lena sipped her wine.
"Suit yourself."

A little while later, Lena could be seen cradling the child in her arms.
"No one will ever hurt you. I own L-Corp, which means I have dudes. I'll help your moms protect you. Any means necessary. And you can spend as much money as you want." Lena smiled at the child.
"Alex." Kelly looked over at Lena, "Was that a good idea?"
"Shhh Kelly, we could use the money thing to our advantage."
"You already own a chocolate factory, what more do you want?" Kelly asked.
"I want a lot more things. Nia has a horse. I want a horse."

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