Chapter 12 - the lion prince

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6 months later.

Lyra wakes with a whimper in Jaime's strong arms in the bed in their chambers.
"Jaime, send for maester Creylen, I think it's time for us to meet our boy", Lyra says, ripped with pain of her water breaking.
"Yes, my love", Jaime says, getting out of the bed, seeing Bronn standing guard waiting outside of their chambers. "Bronn, go find maester Creylen, my lady Lyra is going in to labor."
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says, rushing away to get the maester for his master and mistress.

Bronn finds the maester in the great hall.
"Maester, my lord Jaime sent for me, his lady Lyra is going in to labor", Bronn says.
"I shall come attend to lady Lannister at once", maester Creylen says, getting up from the table and quickly follow Bronn back to lord Jaime's and lady Lyra's chambers.

Bronn knocks on the door of Jaime's and Lyra's chambers.
"Lady Lyra, lord Jaime, I'm here with the maester", Bronn says, knocking on the door.
"Send him in", Jaime says.

Bronn lets maester Creylen in to the room and stands guard outside the door while Lyra gives birth. She's in labor for four hours until the little boy is born.
"You have a son, lady Lyra, lord Jaime", maester Creylen says.

Lyra's handmaidens quickly brings her hot water and clean linen that Jaime washes her with and one of her handmaidens washes the little boy clean and hands the little boy, wrapped in linen, to his father.
"Hand my son to his father", Lyra says.
"Daemon Lannister, my son, me and your lady mother have been waiting for you", Jaime says to the little boy in his arms, planting a kiss on his son's damp blonde little mop of hair, the color the same as his own golden hair.

The little boy reaches his little hands up to his father, Jaime smiles down at his newborn son.
"Maester Creylen, send ravens to our fathers, Lord Tywin of house Lannister in King's Landing and Lord Benjen of house Stark in Winterfell, tell them my lady Lyra has birthed me a son that we've decided to name Daemon Lannister", Jaime says.
"Yes, lord Lannister", maester Creylen says, sitting down at the table and start writing the two letters, rolling them up and closing them with the lion seal of house Lannister and excuses himself to send away two ravens, one to Winterfell and one to King's Landing.
"Send Bronn in", Jaime says to one of his wife's handmaidens.
"Yes, lord Jaime", the girl says, letting the man in.

Bronn comes in to the room, seeing the little boy against his mother's breasts.
"Congratulations, I'm happy for you two, he is a beautiful boy", Bronn says.
"Would you like to hold your lord's heir?" Lyra asks, looking up at the man.
"May I?" Bronn asks and Lyra nods, handing the sleeping little boy to her handmaiden and nods to her that she should hand the boy to Bronn.

Bronn takes the little sleeping boy in his arms and holds him gently.
"Hello there, little one, I will protect you too, just like your mother and father will", Bronn says.

Lyra and Jaime smile at each other as they see their new guard captain holding their little boy in his arms. After a while, Bronn hands the little boy back to his father.
"Bronn, could you have some food brought to me?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, lady Lannister, what would you like?" Bronn asks.
"Bread, chicken soup, cheese, sweet meats, fruit and a large flagon of small ale", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lannister, would you like anything, m'lord?" Bronn asks.
"Could you bring roast chicken and ask them to bring what my lady wife asked for, for two?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says, going to the kitchens to bring the food for his lord and lady.

Half an hour later, Bronn arrives with the food for Jaime and Lyra.
"Would you like me to set the table for you?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, thank you", Jaime says, wrapping a robe around his lady Lyra's shoulders, over the simple night dress she's wearing, putting on his own robe over his naked body, sitting down to eat with his wife.

Baby Daemon wakes up in the cot next to their bed and whimpers. Bronn gets up from where he sits with Lyra and Jaime at the table.
"I'll take him, you two eat", Bronn says, picking up the bottle that Lyra filled with her own milk before Bronn had come in with the food, sit down at the table with the little baby boy on his arm, feeding him. "Come here, little lion, come to uncle Bronn, I know you're hungry, here you go."
"Thank you", Jaime says, sitting down at the table with his wife and the fellow knight.

Lyra and Jaime sit together and eat their meal.
Bronn finish feeding the little boy and hands him to one of Lyra's handmaidens to burp him and then hands him to Jaime.

One of the chambermaids clears the table for Lyra and Jaime and brings the dirty crockery to the kitchens.
"Lord Lannister, a letter from your father", maester Creylen says, knocking on the door.
"Come in, maester", Jaime says.

Maester Creylen walks in to the room, handing Jaime the letter from Tywin.
"What does lord Tywin say?" Lyra asks.
"He congratulates us on the birth of our son, he says he's proud", Jaime says, smiling. "He also says that he and my lady mother are planning to come see us, to see their grandson."
"Does your lord father say how soon they plan to come visit us?" Lyra asks.
"He says that he, my lady mother, my brother and sister are planning to come here to see us within a fortnight", Jaime says.
"Your sister too?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, I guess my father believes that it's safe for us to have her to come with them now that our son is born and since we have Bronn guarding our boy as well as he guards you", Jaime says.
"Lady Cersei wouldn't dare hurt you or your son when I'm there to protect you, m'lady," Bronn says.
"I hope you're right, Bronn", Lyra says.
"I hope so too, for everyone's sake", Bronn says. "God forbid anything should happen to you or your son, your husband, father and uncle would all kill whoever hurt you and so would I."
- You can bet on that, I would do whatever I had to, to protect you and our boy, Jaime says. I would never let anything happen to you or our son.

A servant knocks on the door and comes in to the room.
"Another raven, for lady Lannister, from the north", the servant says, handing the rolled up letter to Lyra.
"From my father, lord Benjen?" Lyra asks and the servant nods.

Lyra cracks the wolf seal of the house of her birth. She unrolls the letter and starts reading, smiling at the words from her father.
"What does your father say?" Jaime asks.
"He congratulates us on the birth of our son, he says that he and mother and my siblings are coming here to see us and our son", Lyra says.
"Does he say how soon they plan to come visit us?" Jaime asks.
"Within a fortnight", Lyra says. "Bronn, can you make the necessary arrangements for our guests?"
"Yes, lady Lannister, I will make all the necessary arrangements for your guests", Bronn says, going to find maester Creylen to make the necessary arrangements for the arrival of the Stark and Lannister guests.
"Thank you, Bronn", Lyra says.
"May I be excused to go do your bidding?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, you may go", Lyra says, smiling at the man.
"Thank you, lady Lannister", Bronn says, bowing to Jaime, Lyra and baby Daemon in his cot, before leaving their chambers.

Bronn leaves to see to the arrangements for his lord's and lady's guests. When they're alone, Jaime wraps Lyra in his arms and holds her to him. Lyra looks over to the cot where their son is sleeping.
"Would it be safe for us to make love? Have you healed after birthing our son yet?" Jaime asks.
"I asked the maester about that, he said it would be best to wait for a few more days or weeks before we make love again, well best for me if we waited for a few more days or weeks until we make love again", Lyra says.
"Alright then, if that's what the maester says, if the maester says that it's best to wait for a few more days or weeks, then we'll wait for a few more days or weeks before we make love again", Jaime says. "You know I'm just eager to have you again, to be inside you again."
"I'm just as eager to have you inside me again", Lyra says.

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