Chapter 135 - "of an age with father when he was betrothed to mother"

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"Then he is of an age with father when he was finally betrothed to mother", Daemon says.
"How do you even know these things?" Gerion asks, exasperated.
"I asked father about it when I was betrothed to my own wife", Daemon says lightly. "And he told me that he was 19, mother was 17 and it was done because they loved each other and because our grandparents wanted the alliance between mothers and fathers houses, and because they wanted their heirs to be happy."
"Don't tell me he told you what happened when he was a prisoner at Winterfell", Gerion says.
"He just told me that mother tortured him but didn't say much about it, mother tortured him, somehow during the torture, they feel in love, they were betrothed and have been together ever since", Daemon says. "Did he tell you about it?"
"No, of course not, but I heard him talking to Bronn about it a couple weeks ago", Gerion says.
"And what did you hear? I'm going to need details, copious details, and we are going to need food and drink of course", Daemon says as they go to sit down in a corner of the great hall, the high seat of their lord father before them, waving at a young servant girl passing by them, wiping off one of the tables near. "You, girl, bring me and my brother ale and food, we would like fruit, fish, bread, mutton, butter and roasted chicken."
"Yes, m'lord", the servant girl says, going to get the food and drink for the young lords of Lannister.

The servant girl returns after about half an hour with the ale and food for Gerion and Daemon. Just as she's left them alone, Jaime walks in, putting a hand on a shoulder on each of his elder sons, lightly squeezing and startling them.
"What are you two whispering about?" Jaime asks from behind his sons.
"Nothing, nothing, we were just discussing the likelihood of lord Westerling's son being Jariella's next husband, and Gerion asked me his age and I told him that he is 19, the same age you were when you were betrothed to our lady mother", Daemon says lightly.
"I was actually 16 when I was betrothed to your lady mother but I wasn't able to wed her until I was 19, because of negotiations with the old king about him releasing me from the King's Guard and releasing your lady mother from negotiations about her marrying Rhaegar, he released me from the King's Guard when he heard I'd been captured by your grandfather and brought to Winterfell as a prisoner and trophy of war, because the old dragon thought I'd surely be killed, and the true agreement wasn't between lord Benjen, lord Tywin and the king, but rather between lord Tywin, lord Benjen and lord Eddard", Jaime says. "To have your aunt married off to Rhaegar while I was still seemingly imprisoned at Winterfell, and to have me released from imprisonment when Rhaegar was already wed to your aunt or I was already, suspected of never coming back from imprisonment, replaced in the King's Guard, so that when I was subsequently freed from imprisonment at Winterfell, the king would have to accept that someone else had taken my place in the King's Guard in my absence and let me marry your lady mother."

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